Well, That Was Unexpected.

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****Next Day********

****Phil's POV****


I wake up, kinda, because I'm still half asleep.



"I think you said that wrong!," I yell, walking over to unlock my door. (I usually don't lock it but I really didn't want Dan coming into my room last night) but I guess we're both over it. I'm glad. I couldn't get by without him.

I open the door to see Dan. But, he's not alone. He's standing with, that's right, Lucy.

I guess I was wrong about us being over it.

I refrain from looking at Lucy and give Dan a sleepy eyed glare. Maybe I could be intimidating if I hadn't just woken up.

"What do you want Dan?"

"We're all going to the zoo today! So get ready Phil, CHOP CHOP!"

I can't help but smile. I mean c'mon, THAT was adorable.

"It's gonna be so fun! Dan told me you LOVE the zoo, Phil," says Lucy. I try my best not to give her a death stare, the one I always use on Dan when he pisses me off, which usually ends in us laughing about it, but I have a feeling this situation is a bit different.

"Well, I guess I'll go ahead and shower real quick," I say, changing the subject.

I get some clothes and I head into the bathroom while Dan and his new girlfriend go into the kitchen.

I DO like the zoo. Maybe today will be good. Even with Lucy here.

Boy, was I wrong.

I'm about to turn on the water when I realize that I forgot a towel. I leave the bathroom and head to the closet to grab one.

When I walk back towards the bathroom, I notice that my bedroom door is open.

"I thought I closed that door," I mumble to myself as I check inside. Dan better not be taking my stuff.

When I walk in, the first thing I see is a blonde head of hair.

"Lucy?" I ask. Why is she in my room, without Dan?

She turns around and half smiles.

"Hey Phil. Hah, oh sorry for the intrusion. Dan wanted me to fetch his gameboy, which he left in here." She lifts it up to show me.

"I guess I'll go back."

Why is she talking so slow?

"Oh, um yeah. He always leaves that lying around," I say, stepping aside so she can leave.

She grabs the doorknob and is about to leave, when she turns towards me and closes the door.

Alright, now im scared.

"Um, Is there something else you ne-"

"Phil, let's not play dumb. I see how you look at me and Dan when we're together. You're jealous."

Crap. How does she know I like Dan?

"What are you talking about?" Just pretend you don't like him, Phil.

Lucy starts walking towards me, getting closer and closer until im basically trapped between her and the edge of my bed.

"Lucy, what are you-"

"All you had to do was say something Phil," she whispers. Then before I can stop her she's already smashing her face against mine.

I try to push her off, but this girl must be an undercover body builder or something, or maybe I'm just weak. Yeah, that's probably it.

She's still practically making out with me against my will and against my constant resisting.

What the hell?

"WHAT THE HELL?!?!" I hear, coming from my doorway.

Lucy and I both recognize the voice and she immediatly backs off.

It's Dan, thank god.

"DAN!" Lucy yells, running towards him.

Good. Dan, tell her off.

But he does the exact opposite and welcomes Lucy into his arms, while giving me the hardest, meanest stare that I've ever seen him do.

This one wasn't cute at all.

"Dan! What are you doing?" I yell, frantically."Did you not just see what happened?" By now, Lucy was crying into Dan's shoulder.

"Oh I did see Phil, I saw," he said, very low and very serious.

He thinks I kissed Lucy.

"Dan! Lucy kissed me! I swear!"

"Quit lying to me, Phil. Why would she do that? It's obvious you like her. God, it explains so much."

He looks so hurt. He's hurt because of me.

"Lucy! Tell him!" I scream at her. She just cries louder.

Great. Just Great.

"Dan.. I'm your best friend," now he's tearing up, "who are you going to believe?"

All he does is stare at me. His dark brown eyes are piercing my whole body.

It's too much.

"Okay Dan. I see how it is," I say, coldly. My own words hurt me more than his.

I squish past them and head to the bathroom.

Without looking at Dan, who's comforting Lucy in his room, I put on the clothes I had laid out earlier, brush my teeth, and leave.

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