Simple Distance

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***Phil's POV***

!Next Day!

I wake up, refreshed. It feels so good to be back home.

I stand up and go to the bathroom, careful not to wake Dan in the next room.

After I wash my face, I hear shuffling in his room. I leave the bathroom and lightly knock on Dan's door.

The shuffling stops, "Come in."

I step inside and see him standing in the middle of his room. "Did you sleep alright?" I ask.

He half-smiles, "Not really." He sits on his desk chair. He's still wearing the clothes from yesterday. "I was just thinking most of the night."

I sit on the edge of his bed, so that we're facing each other. "Thinking about what?"

He looks at the floor for a second, "About Dan. I mean, I know that I'm Dan, but-" he bites his cheek, "Well, I guess that's what I was thinking about."

He leans back on his seat, and looks at the ceiling. He closes his eyes, and breaths deeply, swallowing all the air in the room. I know I should probably say something, but what can i say?

Dan's wearing a black shirt with a white circle in the middle, and dark pants. He looks flushed and tired, but not nearly as upset as he did yesterday, which is a relief. He's still got a medical bandage on the side of his head, and more of his wavy hair is peeking out the front and back.

He opens his eyes wide, and smiles just as big. He looks back down at me, "And you."

I must look puzzled, because he continues, "I was thinking about you, about us. I know we're best friends, but I feel like there's something..." He pauses and smirks, "I'm just thinking out loud here."

Something what?

I'm scared to find out.

I stand up quickly, "What do you want to do today?"

He stares at me, confused. He must think that I wasn't listening.

I was.

Dan thinks for a second, "I don't know. What do we usually do?"

I smile this time, "Let's get some ice cream. C'mon, get ready- brush your hair or something."

He chuckles, "You're the one in pajamas."


We leave the flat at about 10, and we wait at the bus stop.

"We don't have a car?" Dan asks, situating himself on the concrete bench.

"I'm glad we even have an apartment," I laugh.

Dan's still wearing the same wrinkled clothes as before, but now he's wearing an old beanie that he found. I'm positive that he's wearing it so that people don't look at him like he's got brain damage.

Oh, wait.

We both see the bus approaching and we hop on. I pay for Dan.

We sit in the back, almost the same spot we were in weeks ago. I'm in the window seat.

I access my memories of that day. How happy we were.

I tell my brain to shut up and pay attention to Dan. He's sitting up straight and looking ahead.

He looks great in beanies.

I shake my head.

He looks at me, "What was that?"

"Um, my hair was in my face," I lie.

The bus stops and we get off, sliding down the aisle. Dan follows me down the pavement towards the coffee shop. When we get there, I order two cones for us, and hand one to Dan.

"Cheers!" I announce, pressing my cone to his.

He does the same, "Cheers."

We start walking down the road, looking into shop windows and pointing stuff out to each other.

He keeps brushing his arm against mine. At first I think it's an accident, but he does it like 10 times.

I play along and rub my side on his, laughing.

He laughs too, and I can literally feel butterflies well up in my stomach.


What if this is my chance?

What if this is my chance to fix everything- to fix us?

I could do it.

There's nothing stopping me from grabbing his hand, or kissing his cheek.


"Phil...:" he sings, "You're doing it again."

"Doing what?" We're entering a public park now, and we've both finished our cones.

"Zoning off. At least, it looks like zoning off. What are you thinking about?"

Nows my chance. I need to do it.

What do I have to lose?

I decide to repeat what he had told me earlier, "I'm thinking about Dan." He raises his eyebrow at me. I continue, "And about me. Us."


His side brushes my arm again. "What about us?"

Nows my chance.

I relax my arm, and reach for his hand. I try to do it quick, as if he wouldn't notice if I was swift enough.

I don't say anything, I just wrap my fingers through his.

I can feel his warmth collide with mine. It's not sweaty though, or awkward.

Our palms rest gently beside one another, and our fingers fit like puzzle pieces.

There's no one around to see us, which makes it easier.

I wait for him to do something-anything. I feel like he's either going to shove me away, or pull me into a kiss.

I'm completely vulnerable.

I try to read his face, but it's no use.

He doesn't do anything for a good twenty seconds, which feels like years by the way, but then he does it.

Dan let's go, stops, and he faces me. He's taller than I am, so he's looking down at me. "Phil," he begins, "I can't-"

I've had enough.

I interrupt him, "Okay, Okay. It's fine. I get it."

"Phil, I'm sorry-"

"Yeah. N-no I'm sorry. Just forget it."

I'm sorry.


Yo yo.


Your comments are so amazingxD <3

I was long should I make this book? (Before I start the sequel)

please VOTE, COMMENT, and idk just read it gosh darn <33

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