Repeating Apologies

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***Phil's POV***

"No. I'm done listening. Get out Dan. Just leave." I can feel my heart pounding. I want to burst out crying, and I want to forgive Dan.

But I can't let him push me around anymore.

"Fine." He says, his whole tone changing. "I'll leave."

Dan turns around and quickly paces out the door, slamming it behind him.

He's got such nerve, coming here to apologize. How does he expect me to forgive him, over and over again?

Because that's what I always do.

I'm staring at the closed door.

It's getting dark outside. I hope he's okay.

What do I care? He never worries about me.

He never thinks about me.

But even so, I find myself slowly walking towards the door. Grabbing the doorknob.

I stop myself from turning it.

You can't keep forgiving him.

He's hurt you so much.

He kissed you because he felt sorry for you.

Just like everyone does, always.

You're just not important enough to have feelings.

And even if say your feelings out loud, nobody cares about them.

I sigh, still holding the knob.

I'm doing my best to stop any tears from falling. I'm doing my best to forget-


It came from right outside.

I open the door as quick as I can, and walk outside, looking for the cause of the crash.

Dan. Please, not Dan.

Under the streetlight, I see him.

A car is speeding off down the road.

I run, just as fast as the car down the sidewalk.


He's on the ground.

When I get to him, I stop for a second.

His face is almost lifeless, and his clothes are torn. His whole body is starting to swell.

"Dan," I whisper, kneeling down and checking his pulse, but I can't find it.

"Dan!" I try to lift him up, but he's too heavy. I drag him over to the curb with all my might.

"Dan, please say something." I'm leaning over him, trying to detect any movement at all.

Police. I have to call the police.

I reach into my pockets but I can't find my phone.

I left it on my bed.

I reach into Dan's pockets and find his phone. There's a crack in it but it's still working.

I slide the emergency button and dial 999. I'm holding Dan's hand, needing something to hold.

I hear a women talk over the phone. "999 what's your emergency?"

"It's Dan," I squeak out.

"Can you repeat that, sir?"

"It's Dan," I say louder, but more cracked. "He's been hit- he's been hit by a car. I need an ambulance!"

"I'm sending one right now," the women says. "The tracker says you're on Maple Street? Is that right sir?"

I have to think for a second. "Yes, yes that's right," I gasp out.

I'm looking up and down the street for any kind of life. Dan still hasn't moved.

"Your friend," the women says, "Is he breathing?"

I look down at Dan's face, his closed eyes. "I- I- I don't know," I stutter.

"Okay. I want you to put your hand on his mouth and see if you can feel anything."

I try to let go of Dan's hand, but I'm shaking too much. "I can't move my hand," I say frantically into the phone, "I'm shaking- I can't do it."

"Then place your ear against his chest and listen for his heartbeat. You're okay."

I'm really not.

I do as she says and rest my head on his chest. I can hear the faint thumps of his heart.

He's alive. He's alive. He's alive.

"Sir? Are you there?"

I lift my head up, "He's alive. I can hear it. His heart."

"Okay good. Now the ambulance should be there soon. Stay calm," the women says, soothingly.

I see bright lights coming from the end of the road. "It's here. Okay, uh thank you," I say, hanging up. I look down at Dan. There's water falling onto his face.

Is it raining?

I look around, nothing is wet. Then I realize that the water on his face are my tears.

I've been crying this whole time. I bend down and whisper to Dan, "It's okay, Dan. The ambulance is down the road. You're gonna be okay." I rub his cheek with my shaking hand. His lips are moving, but I can't hear him.

I lower myself by his mouth and try to hear him over the approaching sirens.

"Dan?" I mutter. "Dan, what is it?"

I hear his voice. His weak voice, the voice that's always so strong and proud. "I don't-" He catches his breath, "I  don't regret the nuclear explosions."

The sirens are right behind us.

What is he talking about?

"Dan, It's okay. It's okay," I mumble, rubbing his shoulder.

The ambulances stop by us. A group of paramedics come over and place Dan's motionless body on a gurney.

A paramedic with blonde hair and green eyes looks at me and says, "Are you okay?" I nod my head, still not turning from my best friend. "What happened?" he asks.

I shake my head. I can't speak. I don't want to speak.

The paramedic says to me, "We're going to take your friend to the hospital, okay?"

I must look scared because he assures me that Dan will be okay. They lift the gurney up and roll Dan into the ambulance while placing a breathing mask on his mouth and nose.

I walk with them, still gripping Dan's hand, just like he did to mine the night before.

My body is completely numb. I could be punched in the stomach and wouldn't feel a thing, but every time they inject a needle into Dan, I feel it. I can feel every hand that's touching him as if it's touching me. I can feel every tube that's supplying him with water. I can feel everything.

I rest my free hand on Dan's chest, so I can feel his heartbeat too.


yo yo yo :D

SRY FOR THE PHEELS jk im not sorry cx

UM YEAH school tomorrow but I'll HOPEFULLY be able to update!

Who knows? I might even update another chapter tonight if you guys really want <3

TYSM if you're reading this c:

pls vote, comment, and like etc. :)


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