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****Dan's POV*****


"Pj! Phil! It's Dan!'

I'm standing in front of the familiar door where two of my best friends are behind. I'm still not sure what I'm going to say to Phil.

I still can't believe that he didn't touch Lucy, but maybe we can put that behind us.

I really need him. Life literally sucks without Phil.

I see the door open just a crack, showing bright green eyes.

"Who's asking?" the voice says, obviously trying to sound like a cranky old man.

"I already told you, Pj," I say, rolling my eyes.

"Oh right."

Pj opens the door the rest of the way and gives me his million dollar smile.

"What can I help you with, Dan Howell?"

"I'm looking for Phil, Pj Ligouri," I answer, straining my neck trying to find Phil inside.

"Ah... Phil," he turns and looks around in his own home. "Yes, it seems he's around here somewhere."

"You lost him?"

"Can you blame me? He's like a mouse."

Yep. That's Phil.

I hear footsteps coming towards me and Pj.

"Dan?" Phil says, looking kinda flushed. Was he crying? Did I make him cry?

"Well, speak of the Devil," Pj announces, "looks like our Phillip has awaken from his nap! Guess I'll leave you blokes to it then?" he asks looking between me and Phil, then he leaves.

Now it's just Phil and I.


"Have you come to your senses and realized that Lucy was lying?"

Well. Thanks for making this easy man. (sarcasm)

"I just want to put all that behind us Phil. C'mon, we're best friends-"

"Best friends believe each other Dan. Don't even try that."

His face was flushed because he had just woken up, but now he looks like he might cry. For sure because of me.

Phil. I can't fight with you anymore.

"Phil, I need you. You don't understand how hard it is without you, because you have Pj. I'm all alone."

"You have Lucy."

He makes sure to enunciate her name.

"She's not the same Phil. She doesn't like video games, or Death Note, or even icecream!"

Phil starts to laugh, "Well, it seems you have a problem, don't you?"

He's smiling, which makes me smile even more.

"Yes I do, Phil. Would you please just come home?"

He stares deep into my eyes with his practically neon blue ones.

"Of course I will Dan. I'm pretty tired of sleeping on the couch..."

I'm about to say something when Pj pops into view carrying a suitcase.

"Here you are Phil. Now get outta here!"

He hands Phil the suitcase and we make our way to the door.

"Bye Peej!"

"Bye Dan, bye Phil! Come back now ya here? Well, not for a while.."


Hey!! Yes, another incredibly short chapter but I'm writing another one, like right now.
I just wanted to post something before some people went to bed or whatever xD I'll post another chapter tonight!

Comment suggestions? Pretty please? ^.^ Tell me what you like and what you don't!

Till not much later, bye <3

Pls like, star, vote, add to your library and all that jazz :3

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