Where You Want to Be

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***Still Phil's POV****

He doesn't remember.

Even though he doesn't remember, even though he's hurting, I'm hurting, I am so happy to hear his voice again.

So happy to see him moving, to see his dark eyes again.

He's still Dan.

He's still Dan.

He's still Dan.

This is what I need to keep in my mind.

"You don't remember anything?" Chris asks. I can tell he's about to cry.

But Chris doesn't cry.

Neither does Pj.

Which is why I need to be strong.

"I- I- No," Dan stares at Chris, trying to recall who he is. He rubs the bandage on his head and looks at the doctor.

"You had surgery this morning. We were prepared for you to forget-"

"You knew I would forget, and you still operated!?" Dan says loudly in disbelief.

Dr. Bloom is about to speak, but I beat her to it, "You were in a coma. You'd still be asleep if they didn't operate, Dan."

He looks at me, really looks at me, for the first time since he woke. I try to find my best friend in his glossy eyes, but I can't. How can I when he doesn't even know my name.

"Dan?" He repeats. "So that's my name.."

I want to scream. I want to jump off a building. I want to get angry at him.

How can you not remember me?

How can you do this to me?

Why would you do this to me, Dan?


But then I remind myself that this isn't his fault. I remind myself that this is the person that kissed me, the person I live with, the one that I care about the most.

It's still him, still his body.

Everything still happened.

Pj speaks, breaking my trail of thoughts, "It's just amnesia, right Doctor?"

She nods, "Yes. Most patients do get there memory back, but there's no telling when."

We all look down, at Dan. He's staring at his hands.

Dr. Bloom's pager beeps again. She checks it and her face becomes worried, "I've got to go. I'll send someone in soon," and then she jogs out. Leaving us, all awkwardly looking around.

Dan tries to lift the mood, I think, "So, do I have parents, or?" He looks at us, and Pj and Chris glance at me, so I answer.

"Well, yeah. But, they're not here. You guys aren't really in touch."

Dan looks me down, and it feels like he's judging me at first, but I know he's just trying to remember who I am.

I save him the time, "I'm Phil," I give him a quick meek smile, "we're kind of best friends." I chuckle, forcibly.

Dan looks into my eyes, well, stares. He looks almost like a puppy, the way his eyes are wide, and his mouth small.

"I'm Pj," Pj says, giving his award winning smile, and lightly waving.

"Chris," he introduces, tugging at his own shirt.

"And I'm Dan," Dan mumbles to himself. He turns to me, "Where do I live?"

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