Harry Potter

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****Phil's POV***

God, I wish I wasn't so soft, but it looked like Dan was about to lose it back there. And my life literally sucks without him.

But he still doesn't believe me. So he must still be dating Lucy.

We went outside and I noticed we had no way of getting home and we're making our way own the sidewalk.

I got here by walking, but it took nearly 2 hours, and I was driven by rage.

I really don't feel like walking all the way home now.

"Um Dan, how exactly did you get here?"

"By bus of course. Didn't you?"

"I walked. I didn't have any money with me so.."

"Let's wait at this stop," Dan says, sitting down on a bench at the bus stop.

I sit right next to him and prop my suitcase against my leg.

I already feel better, being with Dan.

"So, you're still with Lucy?"

"Yeah. She's still my girlfriend Phil." I can tell he's annoyed at me for bringing her up. Does he still think I like her?

Because I really don't.

"Does she know I'm moving back in?"

"Not really. But we'll just hang out at her apartment or in town from now on."

Lucy is taking Dan away from me. She's turning him against me.

The bus pulls up and we get on. I check my pockets for cash but find none.

"Crap Dan, I don't have any-"

"I got it," he says, giving the bus driver some change.

We pick a seat at the very back of the bus.

It strikes me that this scene is incredibly like the one from Harry Potter (the Prisoner of Askaban).

I must've been laughing to myself because Dan smiles and asks me, "Phil? What on Earth is so funny?"

"It's like Harry Potter!"

"What is?"

"This! Remember in the Prisoner of Askaban, when Harry's getting on the bus at the beginning of the film? He's got a suitcase," I gesture to my suitcase on the floor, "and he gets on a bus-"

"And he's British!" Dan finishes.

We both start giggling uncontrollably.

Yes, I know it really isn't that funny, but it feels so great to be laughing with Dan again.

I wish he knew how I really feel about him. I wish he knew..

"You okay, Phil? You look upset," Dan says, slouching a little so he can look up at me.

He looks at me with his huge brown eyes, and his eyebrows are furrowing up a little inwards.

I can't help but smile.

"Yeah, Dan. I'm okay."

Why can't you see what's right in front of  you?

"Look, Phil," he sits back onto the seat. "I'm not sure what happened with you and Lucy. But, but I can't just-"

"Hey, it's okay. You don't need to worry about it. I know what happened, so does Lucy. She's your girlfriend. I get that. I'm just glad we're fine again. That's all I care about."

Have I dropped enough hints yet?

"Awesome. Everything's back to normal then?" Dan gets up. "Here's our stop. Let's go?" he flashes me the cutest smile ever and waits for me to get out of the seat.

"Yeah, back to normal," I say and walk down the aisle with him behind me.

I don't want normal, Dan.

We step out onto the sidewalk and start walking towards our flat. We walk side by side.

Oh my god Dan. You have no idea how badly I want to hold your hand.

I'm about to grab it when he fortunately interrupts me and says, "It's getting kinda dark huh?"

"Oh. Um, yeah it is. That's what happens at night," I say sarcastically.

"Haw Haw. Very funny." We get through the door that I've been missing for 3 days. "Want to play some Guitar Hero?" Dan asks, something he always wants to do.

"Only if you're ready to lose," I look at him and try not to laugh, "that's right. BATTLE MODE!!"

****Later, about 10:00******

"I'm going to take a shower, Phil. And by the way, I'm way better at Guitar Hero than you."

"Psh, you wish!"

While Dan's showering I go to the kitchen to get some food (most likely Ramen noodles)

I put a pot of water on the stove and I go to the fridge to get a soda, when I notice a piece of paper held to the fridge door by a magnet. I take a closer look and see it's a phone number with a name by it.

Lucy <3

I laugh to myself and open up the fridge.

But, maybe I should call her.

I mean, I really don't like her, at all. But maybe she'll tell me why she did what she did.

Without thinking much, I pull out my cell and dial the number and hold the phone to my ear.

Beeep. Beeep. Bee-



"Um yeah. Who's this?"

"It's Phil. You know, the one you claim raped you?"

"Ahh yes. Hey Phil. Coming back for more, huh?"

"Actually, I was wondering what the heck you were thinking. You and I both know that you lied to Dan."

"See Phil, that's the thing. Sure I lied, but he believed me. Not you. Can't you see I've got Dan wrapped around my finger."

"No, you don't." Now I'm getting mad. How can she be so self centered?

"Yes I do. I lied, I'm going to keep lying, and I'm not planning on coming out any time soon."

She's more of a bitch over the phone. What was I thinking?

I pause. "Why, Lucy?"

"Why? Because I like you, Phil. I like Dan, too. So why not have both? And it's obvious you like me too."

"I really don't, Lucy."

"Phil?? Who are you talking to?"

Instead of Lucy's voice over the receiver, I hear Dan's behind me. I turn around and see him, with a towel draped on his shoulder, and his hair dripping water.


He grabs the phone from my hands and talks into it.

"Hello? Who is this?"


HI! I hope this is good for tonight /.| I've gotta go to bed soon xD

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I'll update more tomorrow loves c:

xoxoxoxxoxo thx for reading <3

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