Take A Look

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***Phil's POV***

As we make our way down to where Dan is, I can't stop praying.

I'm not much of a religious person, but It's times like this I hope for a miracle.

But, I'm mostly just trying to keep my brain occupied.

He won't remember anything.

I watch Chris and Pj's shoes walking a few steps ahead of me.

I tug on a loose string from my wrapped hand.

He won't remember us.

The wide hallways seem to get tighter, the further we go.

I run my hand through my bangs, realizing how long it's been since I've showered.

Pj stops in front of a door, "This is the room, if I'm correct."

The door looks giant, and unwelcoming.

"Why is it closed?" Chris asks, stopping Pj from opening it.

"Hm. Maybe we should knock?" Pj taps the thick door lightly.

It's closed because he's sick.

Because they don't want people to see how sick he is.

We all jump a little when a small lady cracks the door open, "Yes?" she whispers.

"Um," Chris begins, "We're friends of Dan...."

The small women smiles, "He's asleep," she opens the door the rest of the way, "So don't be too rowdy."

Chris and Pj let themselves in, but I wait in the doorway, and study the man on the table.

This room is different from the last one; it's bigger, and has more machines against the walls.

Dan is different too.

He's got the same tubes leading to his chest and arms, but now he's got a bandage on half of his head.

His cuts and bruises have almost faded away entirely, and he's less pale.

But, still.

I can't get over his bandaged head.

He has brain damage.

Pj is on Dan's left side, and Chris is at the end. They're both watching him intently, taking it all in like me.

The nurse is looking at his charts, and scribbling things down, "So, I imagine that Dr. Bloom has already explained the probable...outcome to you?"

There's a pause. "Yeah," Pj mumbles.

And in an instant, I can feel the whole room fill with a dark cloud.

The kind of cloud that's followed by a storm.

I'm still standing in the doorway, "When will he wake up?"

Before the nurse can answer, Dr. Bloom speeds in, "Any moment." she gets her mini flashlight out and lifts up Dan's eyelids, checking his pupils. She turns to the nurse, "I've got it from here, thanks." The nurse nods and leaves past me.

"In fact, I think he's waking up right now," she says, turning to me, glancing at my hand. "What happened?"

"Oh, It's nothing," I shrug, more interested in Dan. "He's waking?"

She nods.

Chris asks quietly, "What if he doesn't-"

He's cut off by a quick gasp.

It's Dan.

I see him open his eyes wearily, and I rush to his side, cutting off Dr. Bloom. "Dan?" I whisper, barely audible.

His eyes look around, and he lifts his hand up to wipe them. He groans, and looks at all the faces staring down at him.

I touch his arm, and he jumps.

"Dan?" I say again. But I know.

I already know.

I know by the way he's looking at me.

By the way he jumped when I touched him.

I know.

"Where am I? Is this a hospital?"

Dr. Bloom moves to the end of the bed, "Yes. There's been an accident, Dan. How do you feel? Are you sore?"

I know what's happened.

I want to deny it, but I can't.

It will only hurt more when he says it.

When he proves that he's forgotten, and I don't want to hurt anymore.

Dan doesn't answer, he just keeps looking at himself, at the room.

Dr. Bloom speaks again, "Can you remember, Dan?"

He looks at her, with his eyes opened as wide as they possibly can be, and he gasps again, "No-N-No I don't."


Hey! Don't kill me xD trust me, things will start going Phil's way, but that won't be for AWHILE.

Cos I'm mean c:

HEY tysm if you're reading!!

Let's get it to 4k reads and 100 comments?

Till next time c:

Oh, and pls vote, and give suggestions!<3

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