British Pancakes

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****Phil's POV***

I wake up still outside Dan's room.

Was he here last night, or did I dream that?

I sure hope I didn't.

I pick my body up and realize how stiff I am. The price you pay for sleeping on the floor.

I look into Dan's room but he's not there.

What's that smell? It smells like something's burning.

I rush to the kitchen and see the culprit of the smell.

I find Dan holding a pan and pouring some batter onto it.

"Um, Dan? Are you making hotcakes?"

He looks at me, kind of surprised. I hope he's not still avoiding me.

"Not just any hotcakes, but blueberry ones! No thanks to you, though. Note to self: Phil isn't a morning person."

I laugh because it's true. I'm really not. I laugh even harder when I see what Dan's wearing.

"Are you wearing an apron? I didn't even know we had one... and oven mitts? Seriously Dan, making hotcakes isn't that dangerous."

"Speak for yourself," he says, flipping a hotcake (and failing at that) "I've already burned my finger like three times! And I look great in aprons so shut up." He then turns to me and models the apron.


"Can't deny that."

"There, I'm done. Now Phil, sit down and eat!" he orders, steering me towards the table.

He then hands me a plate with 3 slightly burned hotcakes covered in syrup, and he sits down across from me.

I eat the lesser charred pieces while Dan eats every bite, burned and all.

I can't help but feeling weird about last night. Once again Lucy has ruined Dan's trust in me.

"Hey Dan? About last night, I don't like Lucy," Dan's looking down at his plate, "I never did. I called her because I guess I just wanted to know-"

Dan looks up and stares into me with his big brown eyes, which look a bit smaller now. He stares at me hard, and says in the most serious tone you can imagine, "Listen to me, Phil. I don't want you to see, or talk to Lucy as long as I'm with her. I don't care what you say. If you weren't my best friend I'd.... well I don't know what I'd do, but it wouldn't be nice." Now he looks down, at his plate again, "But you ARE my best friend, Phil. So please, don't talk to her again, for me?"

My pleasure.

How can he still not believe me?

"Okay Dan," I say, and I get up and put my dish in the sink.

He's still looking at his plate when he mumbles, "Back to normal?"

"Yeah, Dan. Back to normal." 

Once again.

Dan gets up and looks at me, he looks less serious now, more like himself.

"Phil, I'm going to go hang out with Lucy. I'll be back later this afternoon probably. And YOU'RE WELCOME for the breakfast!" Then Dan laughs and walks out the door, texting someone (I presume Lucy).

Great, I'm alone again.

I pace back and forth throughout the flat.

I like Dan.

I jam in my earbuds and try to drown out my thoughts with the noise.

I really like Dan.
But he'll never like me back.

I swear I'm about to scream bloody murder when I hear a faint knock on the door.

Crap, is it Dan?

I don't know if I can face him right now.

Why would he knock? He has a key.

I walk to the door and open it.

"Hey Phil, you left this shirt at my house so I thought I'd drop it off- hey are you okay? You look like you're about to cry."

Pj. It's Pj. I have to talk to him. I have to tell him everything.

"Thanks for bringing it Peej," I take the shirt and toss it on the couch, " and no, I'm really not okay. Can we take a walk?" I ask, walking out the door, closing it behind me.

"Yeah, sure Phil. What's going on?"

Pj and I start walking down the sidewalk.

"Well, It's a long story..."


I'm uploading more tonight but I just wanted to stop this chapter here ^-^

I know what ya'll are thinking... THIS IS A PHAN FIC WHERE IS THE LOVEY DOVEY GAY ACTION???

Well darlings, remember love comes slow ;)

But it'll happen c: and you'll find out the real reason that Dan is dating Lucy soon ;P

Pls comment, add, vote, like and all that ;-;

updating soon ! xoxooxoxoxoxo

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