Saying Her Name

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***Phil's POV****

I slide back and forth on my socks. But I keep my pace through the building.

I find room 214.

The door is closed.

I stand outside it for a second, trying to brace myself for what I'm going to see.

I take a deep breath and grab the doorknob, turning.

As I walk in, I realize I should've braced myself more.

I'm standing in the doorway of the tiny, square room. There's a bed right in front of me, holding my best friend.

His face has bandaids here and there, and I can see stitches on his eyebrow.

There's more tubes connected to him than I can count. Some are blowing air into his nose, some are embedded into his arms, and some are lodged into his chest. The rest of his body is draped in a blanket.

I close my eyes, taking an even deeper breath than before, and step closer to his bed.

I grab the blanket and cover his chest.

He doesn't flinch.

I see his hand resting beside him so I take it into my own, and squeeze it gently.

"Dan..." I mutter, catching my breath.

I expect him to open his eyes and yawn, like he does every morning, and smile at me, like he does every morning.

But even though it's morning, I don't think he's going to be yawning.

"Is there anyone you can call?" I hear from the doorway that I was just in. I turn to look at her. It's the doctor that I keep talking to. She's leaning against the wall. She continues, "Any family?"

I squeeze his hand tighter. "I am his family."

"I just don't think you should have to be alone," she walks over to the bed and looks at his chart. "And you should probably get some other clothes if you're going to stay with Dan."

I look back at Dan. "Yeah. I'll call Pj and Chris. They can bring clothes."

She puts down the chart and smiles, "Perfect,"she points to a blue button on the wall, "If there's an emergency just press this button and I'll come running."

I nod and ask, "What's your name?"

She smiles again. "Dr. Bloom." Then she turns and starts walking out the door, but she stops right before leaving.

"Is there someone named Lucy that Dan knows? He kept muttering her name before surgery."

I look down at her shoes. "Um, yeah."

She nods to me and leaves from my sight.

I look back at Dan. Sleeping Dan.

I'm so stupid. How could I think he felt the same way about me.


He said her name.

Not mine.

Why? Because that's who he cares about.

Not me.

He's mad at me.

I let loose of his hand.

I walk out of his room and pull out Dan's phone that was still in my pocket.

I open it up and find Pj's contact, being careful not to cut my finger on the cracked screen.

I hope he's awake this late.

I hold the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I hear Pj saying, obviously tired.

"Hey, it's Phil."

"Is everything okay? You sound upset?" Dang he's good.

"Listen Peej, it's Dan," I struggle to say. "There's been- we- look Pj I can't-"

"Phil." He sounds so serious. "What is it?"

"Just come to the hospital please. But can you go to my flat and get a change of clothes for me?"

"But, why?"

"I'll tell you when you get here," I choke out. "And bring Chris if you can."

"He's out of town," Pj answers. "But he'll be back tomorrow."

"Okay," I shudder.

"I'll be there soon." Then he hangs up.


Hellooo IM SORRY THIS CHAPTER IS SHORT AND NOT VERY PHANNY but I'll make it up tomorrow!! Bc it's friday tomorrow but I've got to go to bed xD

TY FOR 1K READS!!!! <33

I've been really busy but I'll write AN AMAZING chapter tomorrow ^-^

pls vote, comment, and like! Oh and follow meh ;-;

luff u guys so much c:

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