I'm Lost Without You

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****Phil's POV*****

When we reach the hospital, Dan already has a neck brace on.

The ambulance stops and they open the doors from the outside, revealing a team of doctors ready to take Dan inside.

They carry the gurney down and start rolling him into the building.

I'm still holding his hand, watching his face while they're taking us down the hall.

A young female doctor with her hair tied into a bun notices me and asks, "What happened?"

My brain recreates the crash, the screech.

I shake my head, unable to answer.

She sees my hand holding Dan's and rests hers on top. "We need to know, if we're going to help him." We're being rolled into another wing of the hospital.

I take a deep breath and mutter, "A car hit him. It hit him in the road," I look at the nurse for the first time, "A hit and run." She nods and I return my stare to Dan.

"We need an OR. Now." she orders, "He's losing blood and there are injuries to the Respiratory system."

The other doctors nod to her and turn onto a hallway called, 'Surgery.'

They stop in front of a door marked 'Operation Room 2'

The same doctor turns to me and rests her hand on my shoulder. "We're going to see what we can do, Okay? We'll keep you updated." She must notice how scared I am. "What's your name?"

"Ph- Phil," I manage to get out.

She smiles. "I'll make sure someone updates you as soon as we get things under control." They open the door and take Dan inside, but I don't let go of his hand. The doctors stop rolling him and look at me. "Let go, Phil," the women says, gingerly. "You'll see him before you know it." My eyes tear up, and I let go.

They roll the rest of him inside and close the door.

Now, it's only me in the hall. Alone. I rub my eyes and sit against the wall outside the door. Like I did the night Dan had caught me calling Lucy. He's in there. But I don't think he's going to come out and sleep next to me again.

I stare at the white ceiling for awhile, trying to keep my tears in my head.

After about 30 minutes I hear a nurse walking down the hall. She stops by me, "Sir? I'm sorry but if you're waiting for someone you're going to have to wait in the lobby."

Like that'll happen. Dan's in there because of me. But I don't feel like explaining so I get up and head down the hall.

I find the nearest restroom and walk in.

I don't need to go, but I can't stand hospitals.

And I need to wait for that nurse to leave so I can go back.

I walk in front of the big, rectangular mirror above the sink.

I study my face. I'm not crying anymore, but my cheeks are stained from the previous tears. My hair is sticking up in all the wrong places. And as I look down, I see that my grey shirt is covered in blood and dirt.

Dan's blood.

My pants have blood on them too, on the legs. Not a lot of blood, but there are random streaks of it everywhere.

It's crazy to think that just the night before, I was kissing Dan. Holding him.

And now he's getting cut open down the hall.

I wash my hands and face.

I take one more look at my stained clothes and leave the bathroom.

The nurse isn't there anymore so I resume my position outside the OR.

I look down at my feet. Wow. I'm not wearing shoes. I guess that shoes didn't seem important an hour ago.

I tuck my knees up, under my chin, and wrap my arms around them.

All around me is white. White tile. White walls. White ceiling. White doors.

I shut my eyes, tired of the white.


"Phil?" I hear, while someone nudges my leg.

I look up, and see the women doctor I had talked to earlier.

"What time is it?" I ask, groggily, my eyes still getting used to the light.

The women checks her watch, "It is about 2am." She looks back down at me, "You fell asleep. Your friend's surgery-"

"Dan," I correct her, staring at her shoes.

"Dan's surgery," she continues, " went well. Not as good as I had hoped, but we-"

"What do you mean?" I interrupt, looking at her frantically.

"I mean," she pauses, "we were able to save his heart easily, but his lungs were severely hit." She crouches down, now at my eye level. "He's breathing, but only because of tubes that are supplying him with the extra oxygen that his body can't give him."

"Is- is he awake?" I whisper.

She shakes her head, empathetically.

"When will he be awake?" I ask, in a bit louder of a whisper.

She looks into my eyes, obviously trying to find the right words.

"When will he wake up?" I repeat, harshly, almost yelling.

"Dan's in a coma. He could wake up in ten minutes, or in ten weeks." she pauses again. "We can't know how long it will take for his body to fix itself. I'm sorry-"

"Where is he?" I ask, sternly.

She sighs. "Room 214. Down the hall and to the right."

I stand up and run down the pale hallway. Past the doctors and pass the patients.

Dan might never wake up.


yo yo yo c:
I kinda like writing about hositals because i've been watching TONS of Grey's Anatomy xD

ANYWAYS tysm for 900 reads!!!!!!!!!! <3

and tysm for the nice comments on my last chapter!

sry this one is short i have hw and stuff :c

but I might update later if enough people as me too ^-^

pls vote, comment, like and all that ;-;


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