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***Phil's POV****

The farther I get from the party, and Dan, I become more and more confused by why I left in the first place. I was jealous. That much I know. But, why would I get jealous over Dan kissing somebody...?

It's because of who he was kissing. Lucy.

That's why, obviously. I just don't like her.

I feel my phone vibrate in my front pocket. I check it and see it's from Dan.


Where did u go? Everyone's worried about u.

and another text;

Why did u leave phil? answer pls.

Well, no point in making everyone worried. I text back saying, "I'm going home. Don't worry I'm almost home already," I lied. I needed to walk for a good 30 minutes more. I only answered his first question though.

I put my phone back in my pocket and I keep walking down the sidewalks.

My mind kept putting the image of Dan and Lucy back into view. And that serious face he gave me... he looks so cute when he's serious.

Wait, what?

Since when is Dan cute?

Hah. Since forever.

I shake my head with disgust. "Pull yourself together, Phil," I tell myself. I'm supposed to be mad at Dan.

But why should I be mad at him?

Because it was Lucy, not me.

What is wrong with me?

By now, I'm tired of thinking, tired of walking. But I'm almost home now.

As I reach Dan and I's apartment, I sense that something's wrong.

I was right.

***Dan's POV****

"I swear Lucy, you're just too cute," I say to her.

"Shut up Dan," she smirks, "I'm just trying to figure out how to make this weird japanese tea.." she trails off.

It's not like I usually bring home girls from parties, but I feel like I can trust Lucy. Plus, I owe her for how rude Phil was. He must be having a bad day.

"So Lucy," I say, sliding my hand onto her waist, "Tell me something about yourself. What makes YOU you?"

"Well I don't know Dan, maybe it's-" she stops mid sentence and looks behind me, concerned.

I turn and see none other than Phil, finally.

"Um. Sorry to interrupt," he says to me, tilting his head towards the girl I'm still holding, "but that's my tea.."

How rude of him. What's going on? I've never seen Phil act this way around anyone.

"Here," Lucy says, handing the tea box to Phil, "I think I better go..."

Before I can convince her to stay, she's already grabbed her coat and out the door.

"What the actual fuck Phil? Why are you being so rude?"

"I'm not being rude Dan, it IS my tea."

"What's your deal? Did something happen at the party that I should know about?"


And the guy just runs into his room. What IS his deal..? Now Lucy's gone and she didn't even give me her number.

I walk into the living room and turn on the TV. I'm tempted to watch a few episodes of Death Note from my DVD set, but i can't. It's Phil and I's thing. Maybe I should go upstairs and see if I can get im to talk to me...

As if on cue, my room mate emerges from his room and walks into the living room.

"You weren't thinking of watching Death Note without me, were you Danny?"

"Psh. No way." Since he brought it up I decide to start the show. I click on a random episode, something we always do because we've already seen them all.

Phil comes over and sits on the opposite side of the couch that I'm on. He's watching the screen, but I can tell he's not paying attention.

***Phil's POV****

I know what you're thinking. 'Why did I crawl back to Dan so quickly, you weakling'. In all honesty, as if I could stay mad at Dan.

And besides, he didn't do anything wrong, he just did something stupid.

We watch about 5 minutes of Death Note when Dan breaks the silence.

"Uh, Phil, do you mind telling me why you were so mean to Lucy?" Dan asks, breaking my thoughts.

"I wasn't trying to be." Yes I was.

"It sure seemed like it," he said, still keeping his eyes on the television.

"Why were you being so nice to her?" I ask a bit harsher then I meant to.

Dan mutes the TV. Crap. He never mutes Death Note.

He turns his whole body towards me, giving me that serious face. I swear I would melt if he wasn't so mad at me.

"Because I like her Phil. Why is that so weird? She's really nice. I don't know if it's anything serious yet, but we really clicked. And I'm going to see her again Phil, because I like her."

"If you liker her so much, then maybe she should be your new best friend." I leave to my room before I can see Dan's hurt face.


Hey lions and llamas ! Im going to write at least one more chapter today so sorry if this one is kinda short /.|

Gosh Phil and Dan have some issues huh xD

If you're from my instagram accounts (@amazingwhut or @dansboner) then tell me and I'll spam you or something bc awe cx

alright, till next time <3

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