I'm Not the One Who Wants To Hurt You

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****Dan's POV***

"Hello? Who is this?"

It can't be Lucy. Phil wouldn't do this to me again, right?

"Dan! Thank god you're here! Phil called me and started asking me these scary questions. Just, thank God you're here."

Yeah. It's Lucy.

I look at Phil, and he's in complete shock.

"Listen, Lucy, I'll straighten this out okay? I'll call you tomorrow."

"Bye, Dan."

I hang up, and I put the phone on the counter.'

I look up to Phil, but I immediately look back down.

His eyes, his expression, I just can't-

"Dan, you can't possibly believe what she told you."

I look at his feet, at his un matching socks.

"You called her, right? Her number is on the fridge, and she doesn't have your number. You called her, Phil?"

I'm still looking at his feet. If I have to look into his eyes I might just implode.

"Well, yes Dan. I called her. But not because-"

"That's all I need to know," I interrupt.

Then I turn around, still without looking at Phil, and I go to my room and lock the door behind me.

*****Phil's POV****

What is wrong with me? Why would I call Lucy?

Now, there's no chance of Dan and I ever happening. He couldn't even look at me.

I disgust him.

I hear something bubbling, and I see it's my Ramen water.

But I'm really not hungry anymore.

I turn off the stove and walk towards Dan's room.

Is he okay?

I reach for the door knob and then resist. I can't face him. He thinks I'm after his girlfriend, and I'm some kind of pervert.

Thanks Lucy.

I'm standing outside his door. He knows I'm here. I'm sure he sees my shadow beneath the door.

I reach for the door knob again, and resist again.

I'm such a loser.

I sit down beside the door, and pull my knees up to my chin.

****Dan's POV****

I hear a thud against my wall. Phil must've sat down.

Perfect. Now how will I get out?

I flop on to my bed and stare at the ceiling.

What is going on?

Why did Phil call Lucy?

I don't see why, she's not that great.

Then why are you with her, Dan?

Because I like her.

No, you don't. You know who you really like.
And he's right outside your door.

I shake my thoughts out of my head and close my eyes.


I wake up, but it's still dark. I check my phone-

2:37 am

I groan as I remember what happened earlier.

Is Phil still outside my door?

I pull my stiff body out of bed, unlock my door, and I quietly open it.

I find a sleeping Phil, curled up against the wall, probably drooling.

He waited here this whole time.

I can't help it, I sit next to him, as quietly as possible.

I accidentally tap him with my foot and he wakes up and looks at me. I swear, I've never seen brighter eyes.

I'm about to leave when he smiles, still kind of asleep, which makes it even cuter.

"Phil, I-"

"It's okay," he says, still smiling, and he leans on my shoulder, still smiling, and he immediatey falls back to sleep.

Still smiling.

I can't help but smile too.

God he's heavy though.

I rest my head on his black hair, and fall asleep too.

Yeah, still smiling.


HI!! :)
TYSM for all the reads! And the comments! You guys rock c:
I'll most likely update again very soon (probably today honestly)

Hey, look there's some phan in this chapter. About time huh? xD
Seems like they're always fighting.

ANYWAYS tell me how you like the story so far, and how I can make it better ^-^

pls comment, vote, add, star like whatever xD <3

xoxoxoxoxoxo till next time :)

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