Set You Free

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****Phil's POV***

((((NEXT DAY !!))))

I wake up sweating, still with my head on the table. I'm right by the window and the sun is pouring in.

I slowly pull my head off the table. My whole body is sore and uncomfortable. Falling asleep here was a bad idea.

I look over to the nearest clock above the stove.


I slept late.

My eyes are sore, and I remember last night.

I remember how I told Dan how I felt, and how he kissed me.

I also remember how he got mad and left to his room.

Even though I had slept for a good 12 hours, I begin to feel tired again.

Tired of feeling.

Just tired.

I stretch my arms out in front of me and sniffle.

I hear footsteps coming down the hall.


I'm sitting down when Dan walks into the kitchen and gets a bowl out of the cabinet and places it on the counter.

He grabs the cereal box from the pantry.

He doesn't even look in my direction.

I should say something, right?

"Dan?" I say in a raspy, tired voice.

He pauses from what he's doing for a second, but still doesn't look at me.

Then, he continues making cereal as if I said nothing.

"Dan," I say again, a bit louder.

He doesn't stop. He grabs a spoon and goes back into his room.

Why is he ignoring me?

I lay my head back on the table and sigh.

I need to get over him. He'll never feel the same. Even if he did kiss me, he didn't know what he was doing. I need to let go.

****Dan's POV***

I walk into my room and eat my cereal at my table. I should've talked to Phil, but I can't.

I need to get my mind of things.

I pick up my phone and click on Lucy's name.

I hear a few tones and then she picks up.


"Hey, It's Dan. Do you want to hang out somewhere today?"

"Um, yeah sure. Where?"

"Let's meet at the art museum? In like 20 minutes?"

"Okay. See you then, Dan."

"Bye, Luc-"

She hangs up before I can finish.

I get up and put on my shoes. I don't have time to straighten my hair so I leave it natural.

I make my way out the door, trying to not let Phil notice me.

I start walking towards town. I don't have money, so the bus won't be an option.

(((25 minutes later)))

"Hey!" I wave to Lucy, who is just arriving.

She walks over to me and I kiss her on the cheek.

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