Breathe Me In

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***Phil's POV****

I check the phone for the time.


It's late, but I need to wait for Pj.

I tuck it back into my pocket.

I look back into the room at Dan.

He's still asleep. Still on life support. But still breathing.

I walk back in and sit on a chair by his bed. I'm so tempted to hold his hand again.

He's not yours to hold.

I sigh and wrap my arms around my sides. I feel a chill spread through my body.

I stay like that for awhile, trying to keep myself breathing.

Dan's mouth is slightly open, holding a tube.

"Dan," I breath out.

He doesn't move at all.

I sigh and look down at my lap.


I look up and see Pj, standing at the doorway, holding a bag of clothes, and staring at Dan. His hair is sticking up, and it looks like he's still got a pajama shirt on, with some old pants.

He looks from Dan to me, shocked. "What happened?" he says, pale faced.

"He-" I begin, "He was-" And then I lose it. I start sobbing, groaning.

Pj drops the bags and rushes towards me, grabbing hold of me. He squeezes onto the chair with me and cradles me as I weep, as if I'm a baby.

"Shhh," he soothes, "Your okay, Phil. You're okay."

I nod, still crying into his shoulder.

"Now, take your time, and tell me why our best friend is lying on a hospital bed," he says, rubbing my arms and back gently.

I breathe shakily, "He- he was in the road. He was in the road and a car came," I say quickly. I pause, "He had surgery, and he's in a coma." Pj's still massaging my back. I turn to his face, "they don't know when he'll wake up, Peej. He might not ever wake up," I blabber through tears and congestion.

Pj looks like he's going to start crying to, but he's much stronger than me. He whispers in my ear, "He'll wake up. You know him better than anyone. Dan won't quit as long as he has something to win for."

I chuckle weakly, "And what would that be?"

He opens his eyes wide and gasps, "Why, you of course!"

"Yeah, right. He's in love with Lucy. That's who he's staying alive for."

"Where is she, anyways?"

I look down, guiltily, "I haven't called her."

Pj looks down at me, raising his eyebrow.

"I know, I know. But I don't-"

And as if on cue, I see Lucy walk into the doorway of the room. I stop talking and look up at her, still red faced.

She's gaping at Dan and holding her hands over her mouth, eyes big.

"Dan..." she says, walking over to him. She looks like she might explode.

She turns to me and Pj, "What happened?"

I don't answer. I just glare at her. Pj answers, "He was in a car accident."

She sees my bloody clothes.

Lucy turns toward Pj, confused. He stands up and puts out his hand to her, "I'm not sure if you remember me from the party a couple weeks ago, but I'm Pj."

She shakes his hand and nods.

"Why are you here?" I ask, completely cold.

Lucy looks back at me. Her dark eyes are huge. "I drove by your flat, and I saw the paramedics," Now she looks like she's really going to cry. "And nobody was home, and he wasn't answering his phone," she moves toward Dan.

I take out his phone from my pocket, and sure enough there was 4 missed calls from Lucy. I put it back.

"Well, thanks for your concern," I stand up, "But you don't need to be here."

She looks at me, "Why shouldn't I?"

Because I'm jealous of you. Because you started all of this.

In all honesty though, I'm the reason he's in here.

"Because Pj and I are here."

Pj touches my shoulder, "Phil, c'mon. She should stay."

"We don't need her. Dan doesn't need her."

Lucy's hurt face turns into rage, "Listen, Phil. I know you're pissed at me. But this is serious."

"You think I don't know that?" I almost shout.

Pj now grabs my shoulder. "She's just trying to help-"

I continue to yell at Lucy, "Where were you when Dan left college? Where were you when he started YouTube? Where are you when he wakes up, or when he falls asleep every day? Have you ever seen him mad? Seen him cry?" I can feel tears streaming down my face, but these are different from the ones I'd been feeling all day. These are real tears.

Lucy's lips are trembling, but her eyes are still angry. She blinks quickly and faces toward Dan. She rests her hand on his leg.

"You're a joke," I spit. Then I push my way out of the room and start walking down the aisle.

I find the bathroom that I was in earlier. I walk in front of the mirror. I look worse than before. My hair is messed up again.

It's not her fault that Dan is in here.

My eyes have bags under them.

She didn't do anything.

My face is red and blotchy.

It's my fault.

It's my fault.

It's my fault.

"Fuck!"  I scream, taking my fist back behind me. I bring it forward and punch the mirror, my reflection, shattering it into a million pieces.


heyheyhey c:

yeah well Phil is going crazy xD but awh

I'm so mean lol


I'll upload soon babies <3

tysm pls vote, comment, like, and follow meh (:

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