Holding On

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****Phil's POV****

I wake up standing against the wall. I guess I didn't move much during the night.

The sun is piercing my skin, and I'm sweating.

I rub my eyes and move out of the light.

I look down at Dan's bed, but he isn't there. I quickly check the rest of the room for him, but I only see Pj and Chris in the positions that they were in last night.

Did he run away?

No, he can't do that to me.

I rush over to Pj and shake his shoulder, "Pj? Pj, wake up. I don't know where Dan is."

He squints at the sun and tries to adjust his eyes. "What?" he asks, obviously half asleep.

"I don't know where-" And as if on cue, Dan comes out of the bathroom holding a hospital robe and wearing his regular clothes.

"Oh, well there he is," Pj announces, still tired.

It feels like I haven't seen Dan in ages. He's still got a bandage on his head, but other than that he looks amazing. I mean, maybe I'm just used to seeing him out cold, but something feels different.

I thought I'd never see him walking again, and here he is, right in front of me.

His curly hair is peaking out of his wrap, and his clothes look wrinkled.

Where did he get them from?

"Where'd you get your clothes?" I ask him, confused.

He looks down, "Um, I found them in a bag that a nurse brought, and I just assumed-"

Pj assures, "Yeah, they're yours. Don't worry, I brought them for you."

Dan nods, looking at himself again, "Do I always wear this much black?" he chuckles.

I smile, "Yeah, you've got a weird wardrobe."

He looks at me, and grins, "I like it." I can't tell if he's trying to please us, or if he means it.

I grin back, glad to have a reason to smile at him without seeming weird.

Chris wakes up, finally, "Hey Dan, good to see you up, but aren't you supposed to be in bed?" he ruffles his hair and rubs his nose.

"The doctor came by earlier, and said I could take a shower, and dress, and then they wrapped my head again. But, she said I'd be able to go home soon." He's trying to make himself sound excited, but I know he's nervous, and scared out of his mind. "I was just rinsing my face, just now."

He wasn't cryng was he?

I shudder.

He must be nervous about leaving, considering he barely knows us.

Well, kind of.

"This all happened when we were sleeping?" Pj asks, concerned.

"I tried to be quiet."

He acts like we aren't his best friends, like he's a guest in our home.

I've got to give him credit though. If I were in his place, I'd probably be attacking anyone and everyone I saw.


Dr. Bloom comes in the room full of smiles, "Alright, gentlemen, you can all go home." I sigh, relieved. I'm so sick of this hospital, and I want Dan to remember. To remember everything.

"I'll need Dan to fill out some paperwork," she hands him a clipboard, "But it shouldn't take too long. We've already filled out the things that you wouldn't remember."

He sits on a chair and starts signing here and there. Pj, Chris and I face the doctor and I ask about my hand.

"Yes, It will be fine. You can unwrap it tomorrow, just make sure to apply medical cream to the deeper scars every day, and come back in a week to get the stitches taken out."

"And what about Dan?" I almost whisper, hoping that Dan won't hear.

She lightly answers, "Just help him feel comfortable, okay? His brain will remember at it's own pace. Try to keep him on his usual schedule, and maybe something will spark." She turns to Pj and Chris, "I suggest calling us if he remembers, or if he doesn't after a few weeks."

We all nod.

Dan breaks our circle, and hands Dr. Bloom the paperwork, "All done."

"Great. Have an amazing day, guys," and she leaves.

We stand there for a second when Pj says, "So, I guess I'll be dropping you guys off? You know, considering I'm the only one with a car..."

I grab the bags holding Dan and I's dirty clothes.

We leave the hospital and follow Pj to where he parked his car.

After we leave the room, I remember that I'm not wearing shoes, and I get embarrassed by the curious faces throughout the hospital. Dan notices to, but I think he might be scared to ask why I don't have shoes.

The ride to our flat is going to be long, and awkward. Dan and I sit in the back. I try to make things less awkward by staring out the window, when I remember what's in my pocket.

I pull out Dan's cell and hold it out to him, "Oh, here's your phone. It's dead now," I glance at it again, "And It's a bit, um, cracked. Sorry. But I'm sure you've got insurance-"

He takes it, "Thanks," he examines the cracks on his screen for a minute. "So, what exactly happened? I mean, I know that it had to do with a car, but-"

So I tell him. I leave out the part about us fighting, and why we were, but I tell him about running into the road, and the car coming towards him. I almost stop halfway through because it seems to be scaring him.

It's scaring me to.

Chris and Pj are silent. We all know that Dan needs to know what happened sooner or later.

After I'm finished, I swear that Dan's shaking, but then I realize that it's just me.

Pj slows down in front of our apartment, and we say goodbye. I promise to call them later.

It's about noon, and the sun is beaming down on us. The hot pavement hurts my feet.

Dan and I get to our door, and I pause letting him brace himself to see his home.

I open the door, and I walk in, "Here's where we live!" I announce, trying to lighten the mood.

Dan looks around, staring at the extensive collection of video games and DVD's. "Yeah, we're pretty big nerds."

He laughs, really laughs, and even if just for a second, I can feel our flat being immersed by relief.


Hi :)

So, kind of just bringing the story back home.

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