Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I woke up at around 5am. I tossed and turned in my bed desperately trying to get back to sleep. I soon gave up and put my headphones in listening to some of my favorite bands like Ed Sheeran, One Direction and Union J. I got bored soon after so I get up and went downstairs to put my shoes on to go for a walk to try and clear my mind. I walked to the park with my headphones in to help me try and relax as I couldn’t get to sleep. My thoughts were floating around in my head regretting things and making mistakes. Me and my x boyfriend Ben broke up because he cheated on me with a slut called Chantelle. She’s a real bitch and you can tell she hates my guts. I don’t know why though, I haven’t even had a proper conversation with her and she just really annoys me. I was looking at the floor whilst walking and I walked into something hard. I looked up and I saw these blue eyes looking down at me. It was Will from school; I spoke to him a few times as he’s in a few of my lessons. He’s popular but he’s nothing like the dick heads in school. He’s really nice and caring even though he might come across as a player, he’s really not. I opened my mouth to say something but he beat me to it.

“Oh my gosh; I’m so sorry” Will said.

“Don’t worry about it and what are you doing out here this early?” I asked.

“I couldn’t really sleep, you?”

“Same. What time is it?” I asked.

“6. 15 Am. oh and nice PJ’s by the way” he said. I looked down at what I was wearing and a blush crept up on my cheeks.

“Thanks” I mumbled.

“What time did you wake up?” he asked.

“5am and I listened to some music but I got bored so I decided to walk to the park and clear my head but to be honest it hasn’t worked a huge amount”

“Yeah me too; I understand. Why don’t you talk about it with me?”

“I will just end up ranting-” I wasn’t able to finish my sentence as will cut me off.

“Trust me” he said. I took a deep breath and sighed we walked over to a bench and sat on it.

“Ok well I’m so fucking fed up of how I’m being treated by people. Ben fucking cheated on with the slag Chantelle and I’m just getting treated like a piece of shit and I’m so fucking fed up of it. Why didn’t Ben just leave if he wasn’t happy instead he had to fucking hurt me more by cheating on me? I’m so fucking annoyed and angry that a girl shouldn’t be treated like a piece of shit!” I said as I practically broke down crying. Will hugged me and I was surprised that he actually hugged me.

“Shhhh it’s alright. You shouldn’t be treated like that, no girl should and Ben is a fucking dick anyway. You deserve someone who cares about you and that loves you for who you are. You did nothing wrong and it’s all Ben’s fault that he cheated on you.” He whispered in my hair.

“Thank you” I said pulling away from him.

“We should go its 7.30am and we need to be in school soon” he said getting up off the bench with me catching up and walking next to him.

“Where do you live? I’ll walk you home if you want?” he asked me

“I live just down here and thank you” I said smiling and giving him another quick hug. He smiled back.

We soon reached my house and I walked in as my best friend Annabel (also called Annie) was in the kitchen making breakfast.

“Hey I was getting worried about you” she said.

“Sorry I couldn’t sleep so I went on a walk and bumped into Will and I forgot my phone sorry” I said.

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