Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Tori’s POV 

I woke up remembering I don’t have to get out of bed as it’s the first day of summer and do you know what that means? Party time!! I wasn’t the party type of girl but people change and I think that it was Will that got me into it. I know he cheated on me at a party but he was drunk and if he cheat’s on me again then I’m going to leave. Yeah we were best friends and we still are but no girl deserves to be put through a guy cheating on them. If they’re not happy why can’t they just leave? Anyway there’s a party at Marks house and we’re invited to go.

Mark is a really good friend of Will’s and we’re going to his house to have a party! I got up and walked downstairs for breakfast. When I ate breakfast I went back upstairs and went on my laptop. I checked Facebook and Twitter. I got bored so I went for a walk clearing my head. The party didn’t start until later. I walked downstairs, grabbed my coat and walked outside.

Tyler’s POV

I’m kind of looking forward to the party. I hope Tori’s going to be there, but if Tori’s going then Will will go as well. Ugh I can’t get over her even though I know her and Will are together. Why can’t I have her? I was there when Will cheated on Tori. Why can’t she be mine now? I got fed up so I decided to go for a walk. I grabbed my coat and walked outside.

Tori’s POV

I plugged my phone in listening to some music. I was looking at the floor when I walked into something hard. I looked up and saw Tyler’s eye’s looking down on me. I backed up a bit.

“Hey what are you doing here?” he asked me.

“I was bored and I needed to get outside. What about you?” I said.

“Yeah same really”

“I was just on my way home”

“Oh right, I was just walking to clear my head” he said.

“Yeah me too but it’s getting a bit late and I should get ready for the party”

“So you’re going?”

“Yeah Will’s picking me up later. I just hope he doesn’t cheat on me again”

“He won’t you’ll be fine!”

“Yeah I hope so, anyway I gotta go home; I will see you later” I said.

“Alright bye” he said and I walked off making my way home.


Thank you for reading! I'm so so so so so sorry it's really short and I haven't updated in a few days sorry! I don't really know what's going to happen so if you have any ideas please please please comment them and I'll see if i can add them into the story! Thank you so much! I love you all! :) xxx

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