Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Will’s POV

I’ve missed her. I’ve missed everything about her and now she’s back in my arms where she belongs. The kiss was amazing and I can’t stop thinking about her. By this time we had left the park so I picked up my phone and texted her.

To Tori <3:

Hey thank you for meeting me at the park I really appreciate it! J xxxxx

From Tori <3:

Hey, it’s alright I wanted to talk to you anyway xxxxx

To Tori <3:

It’s alright! I really enjoyed it. This may sound soppy but I’ve missed you. I’ve missed everything about you and I’m so glad to finally call you mine. The truth is I can’t stop thinking about you. I love you J xxxxxxxx

From Tori <3:

I really enjoyed it too. I’ve missed you as well; I can’t stop thinking about you too. You are my everything and nothing can break us up. I love you too J xxxxx

To Tori <3:

Awwww you’re so sweet. I can’t wait to finally see you again. Summer is going to be amazing with you! <3 xxxxx

From Tori <3:

Yeah it really is! I have to go but I will speak to you later. I love you <3 xxxxxxxxxx

I didn’t text her back instead I dialed Tyler’s number and put the phone to my ear. After a few rings he picked up.

“Hello?” he said.

“Hey Ty it’s Will” is said.

“What’s up?” he asked.

“I think I’m in love with Tori”

“Dude that’s great!”

“I know but I can’t stop thinking about her. She’s perfect man”

“I know how you feel, but you have to take her mind off her sometime”

“I know but I don’t know how! Do you have any ideas?”

“Yeah you should watch a film, listen to an upbeat song or something”

“Good idea! Thanks man, I owe you. I gotta go I will speak to you later, thank you for everything” I said.

“It’s alright dude, I will speak to you later, bye”

“Bye” I said and we hung up.

Tyler’s POV

I like her. I like her a lot but she’s Will’s and I think Ben likes her as well. How can you not like her? She’s perfect. She’s funny, talented and generally amazing. I like her. Why can’t I get over her? When Will cheated on her I wanted to kiss her and make it better but I couldn’t. I couldn’t kiss her even though I really like her. Knowing she’s Will’s hurts but I’m going to have to get over her but I don’t know how. How do you get over someone you like? There’s only one way to find out… GOOGLE! I got my laptop off my desk and put it on my bed. I logged on to Facebook and then I went onto Google and typed in ‘how do you get over someone?’ Maybe I don’t want to get over her. I want her to be mine but she belongs to Will. When I was talking to Will on the phone my heart broke with every word I said to him. He can’t stop thinking about her and neither can I! What can I do? Well… there’s only one thing I can do is to hide this from everyone…

Tori’s POV

I love Will but Ben likes me. How does that work? I went out with Ben and he cheated on me. How do I know Will won’t do that? I love Will and I trust him but the truth is that I’m scared. I’m scared that I’m not good enough for him. I’m scared that I’m going to lose him. I’m scared of what’s going to happen in the future. I’m going to have to discuss this with him. I pick up my phone and dial his number. It rings before he picks up.

“Hello?” he said.

“Hey Will” I said.

“What’s up?” he asked.

“Nothing much; I wanted to talk to you about something”

“What is it?”

“Will I’m scared”

“There’s nothing to be scared of”

“I’m scared that I will lose you. I’m scared that you’ll cheat on me. I’m scared of the future. I’m scared that I’m not good enough for you” I said.

“Shhhhh it’s going to be alright. I won’t leave you and I defiantly won’t cheat on you. You’re not going to lose me” he said.

“I know but I’m still scared”

“There’s nothing to worry about” he reassured me.

“Ok I gotta go, I will talk to you later, bye”

“Bye” I said and with that we hung up.


Thank you for reading! :) Sorry it's kind of short! Love you all! :)

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