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Sorry this is so late!!!!! I've finished school so here it is :) <3


Tori's POV

I can't believe how much Melanie and Amelia have grown up. It's their last year in school until they leave (graduate) I can't believe how fast it has gone! It's their first day back at school after the summer.

Amelia's POV

It's the first day at school and I really dont want to get up but I have to if I want to get to school ontime. I got out of bed and went over to my draws. I through on a long sleeve top under a hoodie that was slightly to big for me and I also put on some jeans. I didn't really dress to impress, I dont really see the point in it as the boys don't notice anyway and you look nicer and people compliement you if you dress up to go out. I put on a bit of mascara as I hate it when people are caked in make up, they look so ugly. Melanie and I are so different, she only cares about getting a boyfriend and what she looks like and I'm the dork that cares about school. I walked out of my room and went downstairs to eat breakfast. Melanie came down shortly after me.

Melanie's POV

My alarm went off signaling I needed to get up. I got up and went straight to my wardrobe deciding what to wear for my first day back at school. It was kind of sunny outside so I wore skinny jeans with an off the shoulder top and black pumps on my feet. Amelia and I are so different but we still get on. She's the one that doesn't really care how she looks she has to look acceptable and I'm the one that really cares about my looks. I went over to my dresser and did my make up. I put the full make up on so things like foundation, eyeliner, eyeshadow, mascara, concealer, lipstick, you name it I wear it. i walked downstairs to find Amelia already down there eating her breakfast. I picked up a green apple from the fruitbowl and started eating it. Amelia had just finished when she followed me out of the door. She got in the passenger seat and I got in the driving seat and began driving to school.


When we arrived at school I went to my home room where we got our scheule from.

Amelia's POV

When I got into school I went to my home room where Josh, my boyfriend was in there. We got our schedule and headed to our first lesson.

You're probably wondering how Josh and I met. Well he came to the same school here when we moved. He's really different compared to the other guys at the school. You can tell he really cares about me and I like that about him. When he first came here we got on really well and we were best friends just like mum and dad were and still are when they got together. When we finished school Josh came back to mine to watch a film. That's where I want to be: in Josh's arms forever.

I hope you liked it! Yay, it's finally finished! Sorry this chapter is late! :/ thank you for all the reads they mean so much to me! :) I've dedicated this to happysweet94 because she was the one who said I should do a epilogue so thank you so much for that! I love you all <3 xxx

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