Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Tori's POV

I woke up the next morning and checked my phone. I had a new text from Ben. I sighed and looked at the text.

From Ben:

Hey I know you probably don’t trust me but let me just say this. I like you and I know I’ve been a dick in the past but I’ve changed and I want you to give me another chance. I understand if you don’t want to as I cheated on you with the sluttiest girl in the school and the truth is I didn’t even like her. I kept on thinking about you and how much I hurt you. I’m sorry for everything I’ve done in the past.

I texted back as anger boiled through me.

To Ben:

What the fuck? You’re making up bullshit so you can get me back! I don’t like you in the same way. You made my life a living hell and can’t you understand that I’ve moved on? You cheated on me with a slut and to say that you were thinking about how much you hurt me the whole time is so immature. You’re a dick and I don’t like you in the same way. I’m with Will at least he cares about me and I broke down crying in front of him and he hugged me. If I broke down crying in front of you, you would just tell me to fuck off. Girls have feeling and they deserve boys that treat them well and like them for who they are not who they want them to be. So no I hate you and you’re a fucking cow I can’t believe I went out with you. You were the best thing in my life but you’re also the worst.

I was so angry I texted Will. I know he cheated on me as well but he was drunk and I know that he can make this situation better.

To Will:

I know you cheated on me but you were drunk and I’m sorry I overreacted. The truth is that Ben just texted me saying that he likes me and how it was a mistake and how he wants me back. I’m annoyed and I was wondering if you wanted to meet me in the park in 5 minutes? I really need to clear my head.

From Will:

Yeah sure I have to clear my head as well.

I got up off my bed and went downstairs. I wrote a note to Annie and I left it on the work top of the kitchen. I know she’s working but I’ll text her as well just to let her know. Walked out of the house and locked it up. I took out my phone from my pocket and texted Annie.

To Annie:

Hey I’m going down to the park to meet Will I will be home soon. Just letting you know.

From Annie:

That’s fine. Have fun! J

I put my phone back in my pocket and continued to walk. When I got to the park I walked up to Will and gave him a hug from the back which didn’t really work as I was shorter than him. He turned around.

“Hey” he said with a smile on his face, happy to see me.

“Hey, you ok?” I asked.

“No I’m really not, can we walk?” he asked.

“Yeah sure; what’s up?”

“My parents are getting a divorce and it’s final”

“You’ll be ok. You still have me!” I said trying to make a joke.

“Yeah I do. What’s your problem?” he asked.

“Ermm well I would be easier if I just showed the texts” I said. I gave Will my phone and his mouth dropped open.

“He really said that?” he asked.

“Yeah he’s a dick and why does he want me back in the first place? He can live without me” I said. We stopped walking and Will turned to face me.

“He’s probably just doing it for revenge, don’t listen to him; and hey I’m here if you need to talk to me about anything. I always will be” he said touching my cheek.

“Thank you” I said putting my hand on his. He pulled me in. he placed his lips on mine. I missed this. I missed him; I missed everything about him. I love him…


Thank you for reading. What do you think will happen next? If you have any suggestions then please comment :) Love you all! :)

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