Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Tori's POV

I woke up at 12pm. I picked up my phone and typed in Will’s number to send him a text.

To Will:

Hey can you meet me in the park in 10? Xx

From Will:

Yeah sure, I wanna get away from my parents arguments anyway xx

To Will:

Ok see you soon xx 

I put my phone down and had a super quick shower and got changed and did my hair and make up. I made sure I looked acceptable before I went downstairs. I picked up a chocolate bar, slipped my shoes on and walked out of the door to the park. I forgot to tell Annie where I was going so I took my phone out of my pocket and sent her a text saying that I was going to the park to see Will and I’ll be back soon. I haven’t told her much about Will but she’s my best friend so I think she guessed that something was happening between us but she doesn’t know the detail yet. I haven’t had a long chat about everything to her in a while and I think we should have a chat like that soon. Once I reached the park my eyes scanned around looking for Will. He wasn’t here yet so I sat down on a bench and got lost in my thoughts. How am I going to tell him? I guess I’ll have come right out and say it. This is probably one of the hardest things I’ve done in my life and he’s my best friend, he deserves to know. I heard a small cough next to me pulling me out of my thoughts. I turned to see who it was and Will was smiling down at me. I smiled back and got off the bench.

“I have to tell you something” I said. He looked at me with him amazing blue eyes.

“What is it?” he said. I took in a deep breath and began.

“When we lost contact after you moved away I had a brain tumor and it was the same time that my parents got divorced and I was in hospital and my parents hated being in the same room as me as they would always argue but there was one thing that was keeping me going which was belief. I didn’t have any friends that came and saw me regularly it was just my mum and dad. I was determined to get better and live a normal life. I’m better now but I felt so alone that I didn’t have any real friends that came and saw me. I started having chemo and my hair obviously started to fall out and I didn’t know whether to wear a wig or not. I ended up wearing a hat to keep my head warm. My tumor went when I moved to England I still feel alone even though I have friends and I think that’s why I like hanging out with you so much because I know you care and I care about you too, I honestly do and I’m glad that I’ve got my best friend back even though we lost contact for 2 years” I said as the tears streamed down my face.

Will’s POV

We stopped walking and I pulled her into a hug and she let the tears fall on my t shirt. I felt so bad for leaving my best friend behind. I want her to be something more than my best friend. She’ll never be alone as long as I’m there. I want to hold her tight and tell her that everything’s going to be ok but what if it’s not? I want her to me mine. At that moment we pulled away from the hug and I placed my lips onto hers and everything felt so right yet so wrong. I was surprised that she actually kissed me back. She pulled away and her amazing blue eyes had a questioning look in them. She leaned in and placed her lips onto mine. The kiss was sweet. I attempted to show her how much I loved her through the kiss. She pulled away.

“What was that for?” I said sweetly. She shrugged.

“Saying thanks I guess”

“For what?” I asked.

“For being there for me and caring about me so much. When I’m with you I don’t feel lonely I feel like I can talk to you about anything and I know you’ll always be there for me when I need you and I’m always here for you too” she said. I leaned in to kiss her and I placed my lips on hers. It was so different compared to the other kisses we’ve shared. I felt different and I liked it a lot.

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