Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Tori’s POV

*Sixth months later*

I was washing up when there was suddenly some water on the floor. I looked down to make sure it wasn’t any washing up water and then I realized my water had broken. I called Will who was upstairs and he came running down into the kitchen.

“What’s up?” he asked.

“Hospital now!” was all I managed to say.

He ran upstairs and packed some clothes into a bag and came back down again. I was breathing heavily to get oxygen into my lungs. We got in the car and drove to the hospital as fast as possible without breaking the speed limit.

*At the hospital*

Will’s POV

I ran to the reception desk with Tori at my side.

“My girlfriend is in labor” I said.

“Ok we will get her to a room as quick as we can, okay?” she said.

A girl came with a wheelchair. Tori sat in it and I followed her to a room. She got onto the bed and the nurse gave Tori gas and air.

“If anything happens, get a nurse but I’ll come in every hour to check up on you” she said and then left.

“Should I call your mum?” I asked Tori.

“Yeah that would be good thank you” she said before taking another breath of gas and air.

I got my phone out of my pocket and walked into the hallway. I dialed Jess’ number and it rang a few times before she picked up.

“Hello?” she answered.

“Hey its Will, Tori’s in labor, you might want to get the next flight over to the UK” I said.

“Ok I’m on my way now!” she said and hung up.

After I dialed Annie’s number. The phone rang a few times before Annie picked it up.

“Hello?” she answered.

“Hey, Tori’s in hospital if you want to come and see her?” I said.

“Yeah sure, I will be right there” she said and hung up.

I walked back into the room here Tori was.

“Can’t I just have these babies now?!” she said frustrated.

“I know you’re in a lot of pain babe but walking around the room isn’t going to help”

“To be fair it does!” she said. I sat down in the chair beside her. Annie came in.

*24 hours later*

Will’s POV

Tori was laid on the bed with her legs up in the air. Annie was on one side, I was on the other and Jess was beside Annie.

“After 3 you have to push okay?” the nurse said. Tori nodded.

“Okay… 1….2….3” she said. Tori made a loud noise before taking a huge breath with the gas and air.

“You’re going to push again, after 3 okay?” the nurse said.

“1…2…3…” the nurse said. Tori pushed really hard and then took another breath of gas and air.

I heard a crying noise and a beautiful baby girl came out. They repeated the process all over again and another beautiful baby girl came out. They cut the umbilical chords off them and then the nurse handed them to Tori wrapped in a towel. When Tori had a little hold with them she then handed one to me and another one to Annie.

“Do you have any names in mind for them?” Annie asked. I looked at Tori.

“I like the name Amelia” she said.

“I like Melanie” I said. Tori gave me a small smile.  

“You look really tired, you should get some sleep we will look after Amelia and Melanie” Jess said.

Tori closed her eyes and Jess kissed her on the forehead. Amelia and Melanie fell asleep in mine and Annie’s arms. 


Thank you for reading! This is the end of the book! Yay I finished it!!!!!!

I don't know whether to do a sequel or not! Please comment what I should do!





Thank you for reading I love you all!! <3 xxxx

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