Authors note

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Hello my lovely readers! I have now over 1000 reads on this book and I'm so happy about it, thank you all!!!!! :)

I have been asked to do an epilogue and I've been writing one and then my computer decides to be a pain in the ass and deletes the whole book! :( So I will do one in the next week or so! I hope that's alright?! I can't be asked to re write it now but I will do it for next week! Keep reading, sharing, voting and commenting! I'm open to any feedback! I want to start writing another book but I just don't have time to do it with school and stuff at the moment but I will, I promise!!!!!

Anyway thank you and I will get an epilogue out at the end of this week, beginning of next week depending on what I have to do!!!

Thank you

I love you all!!!! <3

Remember to keep reading, sharing, voting and commenting!

Thank you! <3 xxx

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