Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Tori’s POV

My alarm went off at 4am to indicate I had to get Will up and to get up myself. Our flight was at 7am so we had to be at the airport by 5 to check in and so on. I tiredly got out of bed and went to Wills side of the bed to wake him up. When he was up I started packing my things and Will packed his to go home.

*2 hours later*

We got to the airport and we checked in. We are waiting for our gate to open so we can get on the plane.

*The next day*

Today was the say of my first ultrasound and I’ve noticed that I have a bump coming. I got up and dressed; when I was ready I went downstairs. Will was down there making breakfast.

“Morning” I said as I walked into the kitchen.

“Morning babe” he said and kissed my forehead.

“What’s cooking?” I asked.

“Bacon, we are having bacon sandwiches before we go to the ultrasound” he said.

“Awww thank you babe”

“It’s alright, they’re ready” he said. He put it on a plate and handed it over to me.

“Thank you” I said and I started eating.

When I was finished I put on some light make up and walked back downstairs to meet Will by the front door.

“You ready?” he asked me. I nodded.

We walked out of the door and to the car making out way to the doctors where the ultrasound was held. I got out of the car and walk into the reception.

“Hi can I help you?” the receptionist asked.

“Yeah I’m Tori” I said. She typed my name into the computer.

“Yeah the doctor will be right with you” she said. I walked and took and seat with Will sitting next to me.

*15 minutes later*

We walked into the room. I laid down on the bed and the doctor put some jelly like mixture on my belly. It was cold to begin with. Then she put this round thing on my belly and on the screen was my baby. No it was our baby. Nothing was more perfect than knowing that our baby was alright. The doctor pulled a weird face expression.

“Is there something wrong doctor?” I asked.

“There’s 2 heartbeats” she said.

“What?” Will asked.

“You’re having twins” she said.

“A-a-are they identical?” I asked.

“It depends if you want to know the sex of them?” she said.

“No sex thank you, I want it to be a surprise” I said.

“ok, you’re all done” she said.

“How far along am I?” I asked her.

“3 months” she said.

“Ok thank you” I said getting up off the bed.

“When is my due date?” I asked her.

“6th February” she said.

“Thank you” I said and walked out of the room with Will beside me.


You lucky lot! Double update! I might make it into a triple one, if you're super lucky!!

Thank you for reading!!





I love you all!! <3 xxx 

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