Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Wills POV

I was talking to a few friends not having that much to drink. I did a bit of dancing; I didn’t grind against another girl. I’ve lost Tori once; I’m not losing her again by cheating on her. I know what Ben put her through and I don’t want to put her through that again. Annie ran to where I was standing and talking to some friends.

“Help, Tori’s on the floor and I don’t know what to do?”

“Have you called an ambulance?” I said.

“Yeah they will be here in a minute” she said.

“Ok I’m coming” I said. I followed her outside.

Tori was on the ground by a tree. I ran over to her still following Annie. I scooped her up so she was in my arms and I took her through the house to where the ambulance was. We got weird looks from the people that were in the house. She just looked like she was sleeping. When we got outside the ambulance was there. Annie and I couldn’t go in the ambulance so we jumped in her car and drove to the hospital.

When we got the reception desk we asked the receptionist where Tori was and she gave us directions. We had to wait in the waiting room. Minutes later a nurse came out asking us questions.

“Hello I’m doctor Baker and I’m looking after Tori until she gets better. We have some unanswered information that we would like. Please can you answer a few questions” she said. Annie and I nodded.

“Were you there throughout the whole thing that happened?” she asked.

“Well we were at a party and a guy was trying to sexually abuse her and she broke down crying. I found her pressed up against a tree in the garden (yard) with a guy against her. I punched him in the face and got her dressed. I gave her some of her drink that she didn’t finish and she just fell on the floor. I didn’t know what to do so I phoned the ambulance and got Will who was inside chatting with some friends” Annie answered.

“Did you realize that there was anything different about the drink?” she asked.

“No, I just gave it to her and she drank it. Then she immediately fell on the floor”  

“Did you notice another person apart from the one sexually abusing her?”

“I think I saw another guy but he ran away”

“Ok thank you, we’ve taken some tests and we can’t see anything at the moment but when we find something we will tell you immediately” she said.

“Ok thank you” Annie and I said at the same time. She walked away.

I turned to Annie.

“What do you mean she was sexually abused?” I asked.

“A guy tried to rape her” she said. My mouth dropped.

“I’m such a bad boyfriend. I wish I could have been there but I was inside talking to some friends. I’m a rubbish boyfriend, I can’t even be there when she needs me most” I said basically breaking down in tears. She hugged me.

“It’s alright, you’re the best thing that could have happened to her. You’re not a bad boyfriend you just need to look out for her a bit more but you’ll always be there for her and she’ll always be there for you too” she said hugging me” she said hugging me.

“The douche bag kissed her and took her clothes off so she was in her underwear. When I found her she was crying and I got her dressed and I gave her the drink and she fell on the floor” she said. Just then the nurse came out.

“I have some news for you” she said.

“What is it?”

“We found what was in her drink causing her to fall to the floor. Her drink had drugs in it and her body couldn’t deal with it so she just clasped”

“Can we see her?” I asked.

“Yeah, she’s not awake but we are getting the drugs out of her system as quickly as possible” she said.

I went over to her bed and touched her hand, my hand then travelled up to her face caressing her cheek. I miss her.


We have spent days in hospital hoping she’ll wake up soon so it can be me and her against the world.  I was in her room. I held her hand and hummed to her hoping she’ll wake up from her coma.

Tori’s POV

The last thing I remember was taking a gulp of my drink. I couldn’t remember what happened after that. My mind just goes blank. I could hear people around me talking and walking. I couldn’t open my eyes. My eyelids felt really heavy. I couldn’t speak either. My throat was dry. I could hear someone humming next to me. Will oh shit I totally forgot about him. Does he know I nearly got raped? Oh no, Annie probably told him. I took everything I had to open my eyes. When they finally opened I saw will smiling down at me.

“Hey” he said. I couldn’t move I felt like it was such an effort to smile or even blink.

“I’m going to get a nurse” he said and walked out of the room.

Annie walked in.

“Hey” she said.

“I know you’re tired so don’t speak. I missed you and we were so worried about you. We thought you’d never wake up but you have and I’m so proud of you” she said. Just then the nurse walked in with Will following.


Thank you for reading! :) Please comment! I love you all!! :) xxx

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