Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Will’s POV

The next morning I woke up next to Tori. She was still asleep so I shuffled closer to her to try and keep her warm. She was freezing. I started to get worried about her so I hugged her trying to warm her up. I kissed the top of her forehead. Soon she woke up.

“Morning” I said.

“Morning, I’m freezing” she said.

“I know go and put my jumper on” I said. She got up and got my jumper off the floor and put it on.

“It smells like you. I like it” she said.

“I know” I said.

“I’m going to steel it” she said getting back into bed.

“Noooo” I said pouting.

We laid in bed enjoying each other’s company; steeling a kiss ever now and then. After about an hour we finally got up.

“I’m still freezing; I don’t know what’s wrong with me”

“I’m taking you to the doctors. You’re not well” I said.

“No I’m fine” she pleaded

“No you’re not Tori. I know how much you hate the doctors but you’re not well. Let’s go and get it over and done with” I said.

“Fine you’re right” she said.

“Go and get ready, I’ll be downstairs” I said. I got ready before her when we got up. She was still wearing my jumper so I let her have it for today. She came downstairs 15 minutes later. We got in the car and drove to the doctors.


Tori’s POV

We arrived at the doctors and we got out of the car. We walked hand in hand in and the receptionist asked us to take a seat. So we sat down. 15 minutes later a doctor came out and called us in. We walked into the room.

“Hi, what can I do for you?” she asked.

“I’ve been really cold and it started this morning” I said.

“Well it looks like you have a temperature which makes you really cold. You need to go home and get some rest” she said. I nodded and got up. Will followed me and we walked to the car hand in hand.


When we got home I went up to my room and went to sleep. I didn’t want to eat anything, I just wanted to sleep. A few minutes later Will came up.

“You get some rest I’ll be downstairs if you need me” He said and he kissed me on the forehead. He walked out of the room and closed the door behind him. I climbed under the covers and drifted to sleep.


I woke up 2 hours later feeling better and really hungry. I got up and walked downstairs. Will was there sat on the sofa watching TV.

“Hey you’re up?”

“Yeah I’m really hungry, please can you make me something?” I asked. He nodded and got up.


After some food I wanted to go for a walk and Will wouldn’t let me go alone so he came with me.

“I don’t want something to happen to you again” he said.

“Nothing’s going to happen” I said.

“What if it does?” he said.

“But it won’t, I’m fine you don’t have to look after me all the time” I said.

“I know but you’re my girlfriend it’s kind of my job” he said.

“It’s not your job to do anything, I’m fine you don’t have to look after me” I said kind of loudly. I walked off leaving him in the rain.

I walked to where Annie was working as I needed to have a long chat with her.


Thank you for reading! Sorry I haven't updated in a couple of days and sorry it's kinda short, they'll get longer! I don't really know what's going to happen; if you have any ideas please comment! Thank you, I love you all! <3 xxx

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