Chapter 17

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This chapters kind of sexual... I'm just warning you :) I hope you like it!!! I love you all <3 xxx

Chapter 17

Will’s POV

When we finished dinner I walked upstairs to my room and sat down on my bed. I pulled my laptop up checking Facebook and Twitter.

“Will please can you start packing up your room?” my mum shouted up the stairs.

“Yeah” I said.

I groaned as I got up off my bed and walked just outside my room to get a box. When I walked back in I plugged my iPod in my speakers and put on some music.

After about an hour, I had packed up all my old school books and old things that I don’t really use but I still want to keep.

I walked over to my iPod and turned the music off, I then I walked downstairs to get some food picking up my phone on the way down. When I got downstairs I went to the fridge and got some food out of it.

Tori’s POV

Ugh I’m so bored I don’t know what to do. I’ve checked Facebook and Twitter and there’s nothing new on there. I picked up my phone and texted Will.

To Will <3: Hey babe, I’m really bored, are you busy? Xxxxxxxxxxx

He texted me back.

From Will <3: Hey hunny, yeah I started packing up my room to move. You can come over if you want? My mum’s home and she wants to meet you, do you want to meet her? Xxxxxxxxxxx

To Will <3: Yeah sure, I will be over in 5 Xxxxxxxxxxx

I got up and left a note for Annie just in case she comes home from work. I put my shoes on and walked out the door remembering my phone. I walked to Will’s. When I got there I walked into his house.

“Hey babe” I said walking into the kitchen where he was munching on a sandwich.

“Hey, do you want anything to eat?” he asked.

“No I’m good thank you but thanks for asking babe” I said.

“Let me just finish this and I will find my mum” he said.

Just then his mum walked in just as he finished his sandwich.

“Hey mum, this is Tori” he said standing up.

“Tori this is Sophie” he said.

“Hi, I’m Will’s girlfriend” I said shaking hands with Sophie.

“I’m Sophie, Will’s mom. I’ve heard so much about you” Sophie said.

Will’s POV

Why do moms have to be so embarrassing? I love her but seriously I’ve only mentioned her once because mom was wondering.

“Do you want to come upstairs?” I asked Tori. She nodded and followed me up the stairs.

We got to my room.

“Sorry for all the boxers and mess, I’m trying to sort it out” I said.

“It’s alright” she said and laid down on my bed, I laid next to her.

“Do you know what I really miss?” I asked her head. She shook her head

“This…” I said.

I placed my lips on hers. The kiss was so perfect I didn’t want to pull away; I wanted more. We broke the kiss for a split second to catch out breaths. She placed her lips back on to mine. She deepened the kiss making it more perfect. I rolled over so I was straddling on top of her. I took my shirt off. She ran her hands over my abs as though as she wanted more. I tugged at the bottom of her shirt we broke the kiss for a split second to get the top over her head. I stood up off the bed and so did she. I pulled my jeans off and she did the same. I un did her bra she pulled it off. I took my boxers off  and she took off her panties. We laid back down on the bed and I remembered I didn’t have any condoms. Oh fuck!

“Are you ok?” she asked.

“Yeah I kind of ran out of condoms” I said.

“Come on it’ll be fine” she said pressing her lips back on to mine.

(A/N you probably know what happened)

Tori’s POV

“You ok?” Will said from next to me.

“Yeah, I’m fine thank you” I said. I got up and got dressed.

“Where are you going?” Will asked.

“I should get going” I said.

“Please stay?” he said.  I nodded.

“What are we going to do?” I asked.

“We could watch a movie?” he asked.

“I appreciate the offer but I really should get home, I will text you when I’m there” I said giving him a peck on the lips.

“Ok I will be here, I should get going to and finish doing what I was doing” he said getting back into his clothes.

I was now fully dressed.

“I will text you in a minute” I said.

“Yeah I will speak to you later” he said walking me down the stairs.

“I love you” I said.

“I love you too” he said. I gave him one last kiss and walked out of the door.

I plugged in my iPod and listened to music on the way home. I walked in the house and walked up to my room. I pulled out my phone and sent Will a text.

To Will <3: Hey babe, I thought I would text you before I forget Xxxxxxxxxxx

From Will <3: Good Xxxxxxxxxxx

To Will <3: Sorry I left really early it’s just that you needed to finish what you were doing before.

From Will <3: it’s alright hunny Xxxxxxxxxxx

To Will <3: I gotta go but I will talk to you later Xxxxxxxxxxx

I felt a little bit hungry so I went downstairs and got some food. I made myself some pasta. When it was cooked I ate it.

I decided to go to work to check when I’m working next. I got my coat and I put my shoes on. I walked outside. I plugged in my iPod and listened to some music on the way to Starbucks. Annie was there.

“Hey Annie do you know when I’m working next?” I asked her

“Yeah you’re working tomorrow” She said.

“Ok thank you, what time will you be home?”

“Around 6ish I think I will see you later anyway” she said. I turned and walked out of Starbucks. I was really bored and I don’t really know why so I decided to go shopping. I walked to the shopping mall and realized that I didn’t have any money on me so I decided to just go home.


Thank you for reading!! Sorry this is kind of a filler chapter. The next chapter will be better I promise!!!!!!!!!!! I love you all!! <3 xxx

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