Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Ben's POV

Why did I let Tori go? I may have 'the perfect life' but I want her to look at me the way she looks at Will. I'm such a fucking dick; I can't believe I cheated on her with a slut. What am I; blind? Yeah I'll take that as an answer. Seriously I messed up and I want her back but I know she belongs to Will and she doesn't trust me. I gotta talk to her and at least appologise to her for what I did. I will just do it at school tomorrow.


The next day at school I tried to get in early so I could talk to her. I broke up with Chantelle yesterday and I told her what I thought of her, she did get offended but I mean she is a slut and I can't believe I cheated on Tori for her! Who does that? Oh yeah I do. I saw Tori's car pull up to school and she got out. Took a deep breath and walked over to her. It's now or never; I thought to myself.

"Hey, you ok?" I said.

"Yeah fine thanks" she said.

"Ok I should have said this ages ago but I'm sorry for what I did to you. No one deserves to be cheated on by a slut and I truly am sorry. I know I can't do much about it now but I just wanted you to know that I can't believe that I cheated on you with a slut! For the record I broke up with Chantelle and I'm never going to go out with someone like her again" I said. She gave me a small smile and my legs felt they were going to go to jelly.

I will admit I do like Tori but I know she'll never be able to trust me for what I did to her. She has Will anyway and nothing can break them apart but I'm not going to give up on trying to get her back.

Tori's POV

I can't believe that Ben came up to me and actually talked to me. He said that Chantelle was a bitch and I totally agree. I don't trust him and I'm not planning to either. I have Will who likes me who I am and not what he wants me to be. Should I mention it to Will? I saw Will and walked over to him. I gave him a quick kiss. Should I tell Will?


Thank you for reading! Please follow me on Twitter @ElysiaMJones123 :) Much appreciated! I love you all! :) xxx

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