Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Tori’s POV

I got up and dressed ready for the last day of school before the summer, which I’m really looking forward to. Annie was already up she gets up early unlike me. I walked down stairs and she was there.

“Morning” I said helping myself to toast she made.

“Hey that’s mine! Get your own!” she shouted.

“I’m sorry I thought you made it for me!” I said putting the toast back on the plate and holding my hands up in surrender.

“Fine you can have it if you want it but hurry up we’ll be late for school otherwise.”

“I’m coming let me just get my shoes on”


Once we were at school I got out of the car and I was attacked by a hug. I knew who it was by the way they hugged me and cried on my shoulder. It was Will I just hugged him back wanting to comfort him. It didn’t matter what had happened. He was sad and he needed cheering up. When he was ready he pulled away.

“Will what happened?” I asked him worried.

“Ermmm my parents are getting a divorce and Carly broke up with me because she thought I cheated on her with you” he said. I just pulled him back into the hug.

“Shhhh it’s going to be ok. I’m here and I’m not planning on leaving you in a state like this. It’s her loss if she thinks that. You are probably one of the nicest, caring guys I’ve ever met and you should keep it that way.” I said. He pulled away from the hug.

“Thanks but I have to get to my tutor room, do you wanna walk with me?” he asked.

“Yeah sure, let me just get my bag” I said. I got my bag and walked into school with Will.

The day passed by really quickly probably because it was the last day before the summer and I just wanted to get out. I was walking back to Annie’s car and I felt someone grab my arm. I turned around and Will was standing there.

“I’ll walk you back to Annie’s car” he said. I smiled. “I need to thank you for being there for me earlier, I needed to talk to someone and I needed a hug but I didn’t want to talk to any of my guy friends about it, so thank you” he said.

“It’s alright, I’m always happy to help. You know where I am if you want to talk about anything. I’m here for you!” I said giving him a smile. He smiled back.

“Do you think we’ll see each other over the summer?” Will asked me

“Yeah we’ll meet up and hang out if you want?” I said.

“That’ll be nice” he said. I then got into Annie’s car and she got in too after hurrying and we drove home.

Before I met Will he seemed really familiar. We were next door neighbors when I lived in New York but I moved to London a year ago when I was 18 and my mum still lived in New York. Dad lived in LA as he and mum got divorced so I know what Will’s going though. I try and see mum when I can but it’s hard as I’m still in school but she supports me and Annie with paying our bills. Will and I have been through a lot together but I don’t know if he remembers what we used to do. We were best friends and I guess we both grew up. I basically lived at his house and he basically lived at mine. He moved to London from New York when we were 16 so we lost contact and that’s when our lives really changed. I can’t believe he was my best friend and now I like him. I wonder if he likes me to. I wonder if he remembers the things we used to do. When we got home I pulled out my phone and texted him.


Thank you for reading another chapter of I love my best friend.... Sorry this chapter is kind of short. Please follow me on twitter @ElysiaMJones123 thank you :) please vote and comment! Love you all :) 

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