Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

 Tori's POV

To Will:

Hey I’m coming over to your house I need to talk to you about something xx

From Will:

Ok but can I meet you in the park in 5? My parents are arguing and I don’t really want to be at home right now xx

To Will:

Yeah sure, see you then! Xx

“I’m going to the park to meet Will, I’ll be back soon” I told Annie as I got out of the car and started walking to the park.

Will got there around the same time as me.

“Hey, so what did you want to talk to me about?” Will asked me

“Do you remember when we lived next door to each other when we were little?” I asked him

“Wait. That was you? I thought you looked familiar when you moved here!” he said.

“Yeah that was me. Do you remember when we went to the beach and we just basically rolled around in the sand?”

“Oh my gosh yeah and we had to go in the sea to get all the sand off of us”

“We pretty much lived at each others houses”

“We were attached by the hip. It was so hard to get us apart!”

“I know! I wish I could go back to those days where we just had each other and nothing else mattered”

“I know! Why is it so complicated when we grow up?” I said

“I know it is. We used to laugh about the most un funniest things in the world!”

“Haha I know but we made them sound funny!” I said laughing.

“I’ve missed this” he said.

“Missed what?” I asked

“This, me and you laughing about random stuff and enjoying ourselves”

“Yeah I know same” I said.

“We better get going. I’ll walk you home”

“You really don’t have to-” I started but he cut me off.

“I want to” he said.

“Ok” I said.

We walked home and on the way we were laughing at all the memories that we shared together. I didn’t realize there were so many! I got home said our goodbyes and I gave him a hug. He said he’ll text me. Just after I shut the door my phone buzzed.

From Will:

I had a really good time in the park. Thank you for being there for me and making it possible xx

To Will:

It’s alright, I’m always happy to help xx

I like Will more than a friend. He makes me feel so alive when I’m with him and he makes me happy. Even when I’m having a bad day he puts a smile on my face. I can’t believe he was my best friend. I lost him and I’ve only just got him back. I can’t say that I like him to his face because I know he doesn’t feel the same way about me.

Will’s POV

I like her. I like how she doesn’t care about what she looks like; she just has to look acceptable. I can’t believe she was my best friend. I lost her once and I’m not going to lose her again. I like how we have a laugh and she’ll always be there for me. Am I willing to risk my friendship for her? We had such a laugh and bringing back memories was so funny. I want her to be mine. I want to hold her tight and I want to be there for her. I want to pick her up when she falls but she’s not mine. I know she doesn’t feel the same way. There’s only one person that I have to talk to this about and that’s Tyler, he’ll know what to do. I pick up my phone and send him a text.

To Tyler:

Hey I really like this girl and I don’t think she likes me and I don’t know what to do. Help!?

He texted me back not long after I sent the text.

From Tyler:

I’m having a party on Friday, do you want to come? You can invite her if you want?

To Tyler:

Yeah I’ll come and I’ll ask her if she wants to go. She’s not much of a party girl but I will ask her anyway xx

From Tyler:

Ok that’s fine text me when you find out xx

I texted Tori

To Tori:

Hey my friend is having a party on Friday and I was wondering if you wanted to go?! Xx

From Tori:

I don’t know. I’m not the party type of girl xx

To Tori:

 You don’t have to drink anything but it’ll be fun!

From Tori:

Fine I’ll come but you have to stay with me the whole time! Xx

I smiled at the text she sent me.

To Tori:

I will don’t worry! Xx

From Tori:

Good!!! I’m off to sleep now, night xx

To Tori:

Night I might see you tomorrow xx

Tori’s POV

I smiled at my phone looking like a right idiot. Every time I get a text from him I look like an idiot smiling at my phone. I like him a lot there’s no doubt about that and I want to risk our friendship if we do end up together. I hope I see him tomorrow. I can’t spend a minute without him and he’s not even my boyfriend! He’s everything I want in a guy: funny, happy, he has a great personality. He’s perfect. He cares about me and we aren’t even going out. Every time I’m with him I don’t want to say goodbye. I want to be with him forever. Just me and him, no one else. I will text him tomorrow as I need to see him and tell him something.


Thank you for reading! Please follow me on twitter @ElysiaMJones123 thank you :) Love you all :) xxx

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