Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

I walked into the coffee shop she worked at.

“Hey” I said to Annie.

“Oh hey, what are you doing here?” she asked.

“I need to have a long chat with you” I said.

“About what?”

“Will thinks it’s his job to look after me as I’ve got a temperature but I’m fine”

“If you’re not feeling well you should let him look after you”

“Yeah but he’s not letting me go out by myself in the dark just incase someone tries to rape me again”

“Ok he’s kind of being overprotective now to be honest”

“I know it feels like he can’t trust me. Saying that it was Tyler that tried to rape me and I know how close Will and Tyler were” I said.

“Ouch. That’s hurts but you need to tell Will that you feel like he’s coming over protected of you” she said.

“Yeah you’re right. What time will you be home tonight?” I asked her.

“When I’ve finished work” she said.

“Alright I gotta go and get home I will see you later” I said and walked out of the shop.

Will’s POV

When Tori walked off and left me in the rain I was so angry at Tyler so I walked to his house and knocked on his door; he opened it.

“Hey there buddy” he said.

“I’m not your buddy anymore” I said.

“Wohhh, wohhh chill what did I do?”

“You tried to rape my girlfriend”


“You tried to rape Tori” I said.

“Dude you’re overreacting, why would I want to have sex with your girlfriend?” he said touching my arm.

“Don’t dude me and I don’t know because you were drunk?” I said raising my voice a little louder as I could feel my blood boil with anger.

“Oh yeah I went to a party, I tried to rape Tori?” he said.

“Yeah, dude what’s going on with you?” I said. He sighed.

“Ok I like Tori. There I said it you happy now?” he said. My mouth dropped to the floor.

“What? You like my girlfriend and you never told me?” I said. He nodded.

“To be honest I don’t know what to say to you” I said.

“Look man, you don’t have to say anything to me. I can see the way you look at each other. I can’t break any of that. She likes you, no she loves you and you need to trust her. I can tell you’re getting clingy with her. You just need to give her some space and she will never cheat on you again after what happened with Ben. You just need to trust her, I promise she won’t hurt you” he said.

“Thanks man but I’m just scared of losing her”

“You’ll never lose her. You and her have something special and I’m here if you need to talk about anything”

“Thanks man I really appreciate it, I gotta go but I’ll text you if I have any problems” I said walking away. He closed the door behind me.

Tyler’s POV

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