Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Tori's POV

"Do you have a minute?" I asked Will.

"Yeah sure, what's up?" he said.

"Well... Err... Ben came over to me and started talking to me and he said that Chantelle's a slut and they broke up and he's sorry for cheating on me" I said.

"Yeah he's a dick" he said. I nodded.

"Please don't kick his ass, I know you want to but he did nothing to me and that's not an excuse. I don't like him in that way and you're the one that helped me get over him and I know how much of a fucking dick he is. I also know if you kick his ass that'll make you a dick as well" I said. He pouted.

"Come on, lets get to class before we're late" he said.

I walked into class which was Maths. Ugh Maths was so boring so I let my mind wonder. Why did Ben talk to me? I couldn't care less if they broke up or not. Ugh I hate him. I HATE him. He's such a fucking dick and I don't want him to come back into my life but he's walking back in like he can control my life.

Will's POV

I can't believe that Ben talked to Tori. He's the one that cheated on her. He's the one that made her life a living hell and he was talking to her? How does that even work? He called Chantelle a slut and that only means one thing... He wants Tori back. She can't see that he wants her back and I'm not going to let that happen. He ruined her life and now he wants to be back in it. Tori deserves so much more that a fucking scumbag like Ben. I have to tell Tori what I think; it won't work otherwise. Soon break rolled around and I saw Tori in the hallway and walked over to her.

"Hey I really need to talk to you" I said. She nodded and followed me to a more private pace than the hallway.

"Sure, what is it?" she asked concerned

"Ermmm.... Well.... Ben likes you..." I said.

"What? You're crazy, he doesn't like me" she said

"If he didn't like you, why did he break up with Chantelle and call her a slut? Why did he just randomly come and talk to you?"

"Maybe he was being nice?" she said.

"Babe, Ben's not nice and you need to stay away from him" I said.

"Ok, thank you for telling me babe, I owe you"

"Naa you don't! I will always be here if you need me"

"Thank you" she said and then I the bell rang. I gave her a quick peck on the lips and walked to class.

Tori's POV

I'm so glad that Will told me that he thought Ben liked me. I hate him anyway so staying away from him should be so easy! I was on my way to class when I bumped into Annie.

"Hey" I said.

"Hey, guess what?"

"What?" I asked

"We are going to a party this weekend!"

"OMG!! Whose party?" I asked.

"Errmm Jamie's. He's in our English class, remember?"

"Oh yeah! Thank you, I gotta go to class but I'll see you at home yeah?"

"Yeah, bye" she said and I walked to class.

After I met Annie in the corridor the day went by in a bit of a blur. It's nearly summer and I can't wait to leave school. I got home and Annie was already there. I haven't had a deep meaningful chat with her in a while. I walked up to her room and knocked on the door. She was on her laptop when she opened it.

"Hey, you ok?" she asked

"Hey, yeah I'm good thank you. We haven't had a deep meaningful chat in ages" I said.

"I know we haven't!"

"I wanted to talk to you about something anyway"

"What is it?" she asked. She closed her laptop lid and turned to face me.

"Ermmm Will thinks Ben likes me" I said.

"What?" she asked

"Well Ben came over to me at the beginning of school today and he said that he broke up with Chantelle and that she was a slut and he's sorry for cheating on me" I said.

"Wow" was all she said.

"I know. I told Will and he thinks he likes me but Ben put me through so much shit that I don't know what to do and I can't trust him"

"I know. It'll be alright, I promise" she said. I gave her a small smile and a hug

"Thank you for everything" I said before I get up and walked out of her room.


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