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San Fran Meet & Greet Day 1 of 2 (Saturday)


We just checked into our hotel in San Fran and it was pretty nice. I was rooming with Andrea and Jenn, which was pretty cool so we could all get ready together without getting rudely interrupted with the constant nagging of the boys. Except of course with my luck while we were getting ready all the boys were still calling and texting asking when we were going to be done...

Jenn and I were waiting for Andrea because she was the last one to get in the shower and she happened to be the longest to get ready. Next time now we know, though. I heard a knock on the door and rolled my eyes as I looked at Jenn. "Just meet us at the venue because they are so freaking impatient" I say to her before getting up and grabbing my bag. It was only 10 and the meet and greet didn't start till 11, so I don't know why the hell they were freaking out. She nodded and gave me a thumbs up.

I walked out into the hallway and saw my brother. "Hey, where's the others?" he asked.

"They're just going to meet us at the venue, they are still getting ready." I said as we walked into the elevator.

"Alright well we're going to the cafe down the street," He informs me pressing the lobby button. "Just us, we will meet everyone else at the venue when it's time, I just want to talk with you, alone." He says. I start to get nervous for a second and he can tell as he says, "Don't get nervous T, as your brother I just have to make sure that everything is okay and ask what's up, it's just to check on you."

The elevator opens and I nod as we walk out. Thankfully the fans haven't found our hotel yet so we can actually walk to the Cafe. When we get to the place it's really cute and cozy. We go to the counter and order our drinks. I order a white chocolate mocha wondering if it's the same as Starbucks, and JJ gets the same. He pays, like always, such a great brother!! Jk he'll make me pay for the next one for sure.

We sit down at a small table and everything gets serious as we wait for our drinks. "I noticed that you and Jack are uh.. Back toget-"

"Oh no. No just friends."

"You don't have to lie to me."

"I'm not lying to you Jack, We made up but we're taking things slow, I mean yeah obviously the feelings are still there but yes still friends."

"Well he was in your bunk last night"

I stayed quiet, not knowing what to say, I mean I really couldn't explain it. "We didn't do anything, I know it probably looked bad..."

"Taylor I know what happened the night of the party"

"You what? How? Who?"

"Why did you hide it from me?" He asked hurt. "He hurt you and you didn't come to me, you let someone hurt you."

"Jack your acting like I told him to put his hands on me or I let him put his hands on me in that way, I didn't let him do shit. Yes he hurt me, I hid it from you because the memory of it hurt me and that's your bestfriend and I know the vision of him hurting your sister would hurt you so of course I would hide it from you... Who told you and when?"

"Jack told me, He told me the morning after it happened." He said. "He came over Mallory's freaking out, swearing he didn't mean to and he was never going to drink again, and then he told us what happened, and I couldn't believe it."

I was speechless. I was almost in tears by this point. "And then you came in my room and you said you were leaving, and you just told me a bad break up, you wouldn't even tell me why? That fucking hurt." His voice was shaky. "I almost killed him. Taylor I almost fucking killed my bestfriend, I had to keep my distance from him for almost 9 months because everytime I would see him, I would see him hurting you and it drove me absolutely fucking crazy. It had everyone wondering why no one was near Jack." He kept going on.

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