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Jack had left a little while ago and he kept talking about how he didn't want to go and how he'd much rather stay with me and it was adorable but it wasn't actually Jack talking. Jack is my little bad boy that can't resist clubbing no matter if his girl says no.

I just finished my makeup and hair and slipped on a cute outfit because the girls decided we would go out tonight as well

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I just finished my makeup and hair and slipped on a cute outfit because the girls decided we would go out tonight as well. I knew they were going to get all dressed up but I wasn't interested in getting any guys tonight.

I went to the girls room and they let me in, sure enough they were all dressed up.

"Why aren't you dressed up Tay?"

"I'm not even in the mood to go out guys" I say looking at my rings.

"Don't be a party pooper tonight" Jenn says.

"No worries, I won't" I smiled looking at my phone and seeing a text from Jack.

Jack my baby💘

I miss you already

This was a mistake.

You'll be fine, Have fun tonight G..

I frowned at his text and i locked my phone. "Where are we going tonight?" I asked.

"This place called 21" Andrea said fixing her hair. "They only have like 3 clubs in this little town." She added.

"You ready?" Jenn asked grabbing her purse. I nodded and so did Andrea. We walked out and headed to the club and I was so anxious to find out what happens with Jack tonight.

We got into a Cab and he drove us to this place that none of us have been to, The whole time I had my hand on my forehead and I stared down at my black screen on my phone.

"Taylor he's going to be okay" Andrea said grabbing my hand. "Calm down" She says noticing I was starting to freak out.

"Someone take this from me" I said handing her my phone. "I can't fucking stand this feeling and if I don't have it I won't feel it right?"

"Not sure that's how it works" The cab driver laughed.

"Not in the mood for jokes sir" I said sarcastically smiling at him. Asshole.

We arrived at the club and it was huge for this little ass town. We all got out giving the guy his money and then walked in.

"My stomach may be turning right now but we're going to make tonight a fun ass night, Okay?" I said. They all nodded and we walked in, We immediately went to the bar and got a round of shots and an order of drinks.

"To a good ass night that we probably won't remember!" Andrea said laughing, holding her shot up. We all laughed and hit our glasses together and then flipped the liquid back into our mouths.

I shook my head and reached for my favorite alcoholic drink and started to down some of it. I needed to have a buzz asap.

I still had half a glass left when we walked away from the bar and went to a couch to sit at. Jenn went and started dancing with Andrea and I sat and watched our stuff. They had offered for me to come but I wasn't feeling it.

I looked around and saw all these people having a blast. There were a ton of people here. I was smiling watching the girls and that was until Andrea and Jenn had come back.

"Dance with us, Come on!" She said grabbing her drink and my hand. I finally nodded and grabbed my drink as well following Andrea to the dance floor. "Bad Things by Camila Cabello and Machine Gun Kelly" came on and we were all singing and dancing having a good ass time until I was pushed.

"Excuse me?" I turned around.

"You're the blonde that was fucking around with my boyfriend?" She yelled.

"Wrong blonde hun" I smiled turning around. "Andrea is that Jack and-" I was about to continue when the bitch hit me in the back of the head.

"Oh hell no bitch" I turned around and hit her in her face. I grabbed her hair and hit her again as she continues yelling.

"You slept with my boyfriend you stupid bitch!"

She grabbed my hair and got me in the lip and that was when I freaked out. I tripped her so she hit the ground and i jumped on top of the dumbass girl who had the wrong fucking girl. I hit her a few more times before I was pulled off and there was a bunch of security guards around.

"Next time you wanna try and attack me maybe you should have the right girl you dumb ass" I said wiping the blood from my lip. "I'm not even from around here" I added.

She kept trying to come after me and the security guards escorted her out. "My bag is over there, I'm leaving though" I said to the security guard. "I've never even seen the girl before in my life" I laughed.

The guard smiled and said I could stay but I didn't even want to. "Taylor" My brother yelled. "What the hell happened are you okay?" He asked grabbing me.

"I'm fine, Get off of me" I said shrugging him off.

"You're bleeding, Taylor what just happened?"

"JJ get off of me!" I yelled. He looked at me wondering what hell he did to make me yell at him like that.

"I swear to god if he hooks up with another girl tonight, I will never talk to either of you again" I said grabbing my bag and wiping my lip walking out.

"Taylor!" He yelled after me but I was fucking over it. I was done. I raised my hand out for a cab and got in leaving in a hurry.

I got back to the hotel and swiped my key, going in and taking a shower. I then got changed into one of jack's shirts and laid down in bed, crying myself to sleep.

 I then got changed into one of jack's shirts and laid down in bed, crying myself to sleep

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