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"Set me down, I'm not playing." I said.

"I'll set you down, if you just breathe and calm down, she's probably just playing music while she cleans." Jack says setting me down. I breathe in quickly as I put my hair in a bun not prepared for what I'm about to see.

Jack opens the door and he was definitely wrong. There was a party happening. And I was about to lose my shit. "Hell-"

Jack grabs me and pulls me back. "Let's just go to a hotel tonight." He says about to walk us away.

"Yes we will, but I'm putting a stop to this and I have to grab our bags." I reply. He groans and bites his lip.

"Taylorrr, baby don't cause a scene" he says leaning down holding on to my hips.

"This seriously isn't fair Jack, what the hell has gotten into her?" I sigh. "I'm kicking everyone out" I peck his lips. I inhale and exhale once more before walking in, Jack behind me.

"Everyone! Party's over, Get the fuck out" I smile yelling as I throw my hand up. Everyone looks over and some people yell. "You see, I don't care what the hell you think, do you pay rent here? Didn't think so. Get out. Or I will make you get out." I say rudely. I look over and see a group completely ignoring me, and they just keep talking like normal.

"No, stop, Taylor-" Jack tried to pull me back but I pulled out my earrings and walked over to the group of girls.

"Oh hey, I love your dress!" The one girl says.

"Thanks! You see I'd let all of you stay but the party is over and everyone is getting kicked out" I say trying to be nice.

"Oh yeah it's cool we'll leave, sorry" The same girl says.

I smirk walking away until I run into someone their drink spilling all down my dress, "Watch where yourrrrr going" she slurred.

"Mandy what the fuck?" I yell.


"I don't know who the hell you are anymore, but I honestly don't even want to know, You can find a new roommate." I stormed off.

I walked into my room and saw two people making out, "Gross get a room, THATS NOT MINE" I screamed. The two ran out laughing and I sighed slamming my door shut. I walked to my mirror and looked at the once perfect dress now stained. My door opened and I looked over seeing Jack. His eyes went to the dress and he frowned.

"Jack, I-"

"No, it's okay, I saw it happen, I came to see if you were okay." He said.

"I'm fine, I'm just going to get changed and pack a bag and then we can leave" I reply, going to my closet. I pull out a pair of leggings, and an army green v-neck. I quickly change as he pulls down a bag for me and puts my laptop and chargers in there.

I walk out of my closet and go to my dresser to get underwear and another bra when someone bursts into my room. I jump a little and look over to find none other then Mandy.

"Gosh you scared me" I say holding my chest, as I open up my drawer and pull out the under garments.

"You're such a bitch!" She yelled walking in.

"What the hell?" I ask backing up. I don't want to fight my drunk, stupid probably drugged up bestfriend. I mean, I will, but it'll be her fault.

"You kicked everyone out! Why would you do that?" She slurred throwing her hands up getting close to me.

"First of all back the fuck up" I say smelling the alcohol on her breath. She stands looking at me not moving. I grab her shoulders and push her back lightly. "And second, they shouldn't have been here in the first place, you've already ruined all of our things throwing parties whole I'm away. So it's over with. Done."

"You're not the boss around here" She steps closer.

"I'm not going to tell you again, get out of my face Amanda" I say getting aggravated. "I don't want to hit you but that doesn't mean I won't" I add looking up. She steps back. "I'm moving out, you can find another roommate that wants to throw parties every night and have ruined furniture but I'm done" I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"You know what fuck you!" She yelled running over pushing me.

"Get off of me" I was resisting hitting her as I tried to push her off. Jack came out and was pissed.

"What the fuck is going on?" he raised his voice. I flinched a little, it bringing back memories. "Get out of here" He looked at her stupidly until she left.

I sat on the bed and just thought about what just happened, Jack hasn't lashed out since we've been together, but that doesn't mean he won't in the future, can I handle it again?

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked grabbing my hand that I seemed to be staring at.

I cleared my throat, "Nothing, did you get my shower stuff?" I asked. He nodded. "Well then, I'm ready to go." I replied.

"Taylor talk to me, you aren't okay" he says.

"Can we just leave?"

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"Can we just leave?"

He sighed and tried to grab my hand once again as we got up, I pulled it away and he groaned loudly. I watched as he just walked out, and stood for a second in place before walking out as well. who knows what tonight has in stock...

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