Chapter 13

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(Cato's POV)

"Cato?" Clove asks softly. We were cuddling inside the sleeping bag with my arms around her, protectively.

"Yes, love?" I say with a genuine smile.

"What do we do now? Marvel knows about us. Do you think he'll tell Glimmer? She'll probably try to kill me." Clove says.

"I think Marvel will keep his mouth shut, if not, we'll kill him and Glimmer immediately." I say and we lace our hands together, her hand fits into mine perfectly as if we were made for each other.

I smile and she smiles back and we get lost in each other's eyes. Her sparkling green eyes and my blue ones lock and sweep us both out of reality. God, I love her.

"The guy from 11, what's his name?" Clove asks.

"Thresh." I say.

"I'd have no chance against him. I'm just this small chihuahua and he's the this big bear and my knives won't help me much if he's pinning me to the ground." Clove frowns. I would have never thought that a person in this arena would scare her. Especially from district 11.

"I won't let him hurt you. He'll be dead very soon." I say with a smile and kiss her on the cheek.

"I love you." She says and gives my hand a squeeze.

"I love you too." I say with a smile and she seems a little bit confused. But why?

"Cato... what exactly do you love about me? I don't understand how a guy like you-" she gestures her free hand towards me, "who's drop dead gorgeous, caring, protective and everything else I love in a guy want to be with someone like me? A troubled girl who is currently an emotional wreck after her Avox mother got murdered before her very own eyes." Clove says with a tear running down her freckled cheek. I lift my hand to wipe it away and smile.

"You're perfect Clove. You're beautiful inside and out." I say and she looks away at one of the walls.

"I'm not perfect. I'm a killer. That seems like the only thing I'm good at." She says with a sigh.

I place my fingers under her chin and turn her face towards mine and I look into her twinkling eyes.

"Clove, I'm a killer too. But we aren't by choice. We're just doing what we have to do to stay alive and win these stupid games." I say with a smile and before she could respond, I kiss her and our mouths fit perfectly together. One of her hands get tangled in my hair and the other is on my neck bringing me in deeper into the kiss.

A series of beeps occur from outside the tent. I slowly unzip the doorway to see a silver parachute come flying into the tent. Clove sits up and quickly zips up the door again and we read the note.

Good job you two! Now Marvel knows. Great. (Insert sarcasm here) anyways, Fire Girl was in one of the nearby trees where you were all arguing. But I guess you never saw her. Watch out for her, okay? She's sneaky. She's currently on the hunt for water so I'd get some sleep now, while you can.


Clove opens up the package that revealed 2 big fluffy pillows and blankets. "Thanks." She says and we begin to set up our "bed" and crash for the day. It was currently very hot in the tent, so we slept with no blankets on.

-Cato's dream-

"Cato! Cato!" Clove shrieked.

I try to push my feet forward, into a run to get to her but my right foot just won't co-operate. It's stuck

"Cato! Help!" She shrieks even louder.

Why is my foot stuck!? "Clove! I'm coming!" I promised that I'd always protect her. I know I have to find a solution quickly, so I grab my sword and slice off my right foot. Agonizing pain shoots up my leg and I try my hardest not to scream by biting the insides of my lips. I don't care how much pain I'm in, I just have to get to her.

I begin to jump on one leg through the forest towards the Cornucopia. "Cato! Cato! Ah!" She desperately yells on the top of her lungs.

I have to move faster. "I'm coming!" I shout as I just make it to the clearing of the Cornucopia.

I see Clove pinned on the ground by a dark, big man. Thresh. No! I promised her that this wouldn't happen. I begin to jump as fast as I can when he takes out a crescent sword and slams it down on Clove's neck and decapitates her head.

I sink to my knees and scream. No! Clove! My love. The only person who I care about... Gone. I slowly look up and tears flow down my cheeks. I rip the grass in my clenched fists, which I didn't realize I was doing. Thresh stand in front of me with a wide smile and says "You're welcome." and runs away.

-End of Cato's dream-

I jolt up into a sitting position and relief washes over me as I see Clove, sleeping however, her teeth were chattering. I carefully place the blankets on top of her and give her a soft kiss on the cheek. "Sweet dreams."

I open up the tent and search for some new clothes to wear since mine were filled with sweat, must have been from my dream. For some odd reason, it felt so realistic. I shake the thought out of my head as I quickly change my clothes and put on a red t-shirt and jacket with some green pants. As I walk past Marvel and Glimmer's tent, I hear them talking... about me. I press my ear to one of the walls of the tent to find out what they're saying.

"Do you think Cato has a girlfriend?" Glimmer asks.

Marvel you better keep your mouth shut. "Um, I'd say so. It seems like the type of guy who gets a lot of girls." Marvel says. "Glimmer, you know he's never gonna love you right?"

"Don't say that. I think when the time comes, he'll realize that I'm his gift from God." She retorts proudly.

"Is there not any other guys you could date?" Marvel asks.

"Like who?" Glimmer asks obliviously.

"Um. Maybe... Me? Look, I love you. Okay? I love you Glimmer, since the day we were in the same class in grade 2. You and I were paired up to colour a picture of a sword and ever since, I've had this huge crush on you." Marvel admits and I know that he must be blushing right now.

Glimmer bursts into laughter. "You? There's no way I'd date someone like you! You're nothing compared to Cato! Ha!" She laughs.

I immediately feel sorry for Marvel. That must suck having the girl you love diss you right after you admit your feelings for her. I back away from the tent knowing that either Glimmer or Marvel will soon leave. I pick up a shiny red apple and take a big bite.

Marvel storms out of the tent and I can tell he's trying to hold back the tears.

"Bro. You okay?" I say pretending as if I didn't already know what happened.

"You are so lucky that the girl you love, loves you back. Oh and the girl I love is in love with you!" He shouts and shoves my shoulders, hard.

"I-I'm sorry Marvel." I say and try to give him an embrace but instead he punches me in the face.

"Prepare to die!" Marvel shouts and takes our his spear and I take out my sword for self-defence.

"Stop! What's going on here?" Lover Boy says. He must have just woken up.

I turn to respond and as soon as I open my mouth Marvel fist connects with my jaw and I drop to the floor.

"Cato!" I hear Clove shout and she rushes to my side. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I-I'm fine." I say and push my self up. I glare at Marvel and he returns the same look.

"Look there's a forest fire!" Lover Boy says and points towards the forest.

"We should go to the river, that's the only place where you can be safe from the fire." I suggest and we run towards the river.


Hey guys! Thanks for reading! Can we get this story to 250 reads and 50 votes by 2014? I love you guys!!!


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