(Clove's POV)
Chip, Marvel, Cato and I sit in the tent while eating our breakfast. I was eating a variety of dried berries mixed with some sort of cereal. I scoop a handful and plop it in my mouth. Mmmm. "So when do we hunt?" I ask Cato in particularly.
"Well, I say soon. We haven't killed anyone in a while." Marvel says. I ignore what he says, because honestly he doesn't mean anything to me. I sigh and look at Chip who's only focusing on his banana. We're gonna have to kill him soon. There's only ten of us left and about 10 days remaining, that's if you make it to the end. What happened to Thresh? We haven't seen him since the first day. I look towards the high fields of grass. Maybe he's hiding in there. After all, we haven't hunt there yet.
Cato's arm shoots up towards smoke in the forest. A fire. "A fire. Let's go." He says and we gather up are weapons and prepare to head out.
"What about me?" Asks Chip.
"Stay here and guard." Marvel states impatiently. I strap on my arm bands, leg bands, waist bands and place my knives in there proper slots while the boys argue about whether Chip is coming or not. I sigh, why do boys always end up arguing?
"He's coming. We need him in the woods, and his job's done here anyway. No one can touch the supplies." Cato says, finalizing the argument.
"But what about Lover Boy?" Marvel asks. He's shaking... he's furious. But why? Why does he always seem to get so jealous of Cato? Is it because Cato always makes the decisions for the group?
"Forget about him. I know where I cut him. It's a miracle he hasn't bled to death yet. At any rate, he's in no shape to raid us." says Cato. He sounds almost as if he's explained this many times to people, but he hasn't. "Come on." Cato says, thrusting spear into the hands of the boy from 3, and we begin to sprint towards the fire.
Branches and twigs snap under our feet as we run. Cato and I are leading with Marvel and Chip close behind. I begin to run out of breath, after sprinting for about 4 kilometres, non stop. And I stop running when Marvel calls me. "Cato, Chip, you guys go ahead, I need to talk to Clove." He says. Cato looks weary about the idea, but I nod at him to continue. This is odd, I didn't think Marvel would ever need to talk to me.. alone.
"What is it?" I ask and cross my arms over my chest, waiting for him to speak.
"Look, I know I'm going to die anyways, but before I do, there's something I need to do." He says with a smile that sounds alarms in my mind. Oh no, this can't be good. I try to reach for one of my knives, just in case. Instead he grips both of my wrists tightly in his hands, and I can't move. He leans forward and connects his lips with mine, but I don't move mine at all. This is wrong, so very wrong! His lips felt slimy against mine and I was honestly very grossed out. I begin to shake with fear as I sense his next move. He begins to touch me, in places that I hope no girl will ever have to endure. I try to kick him, but his grasp on my leg was too tight.
"Cato! CATO!" I scream. What's gotten into Marvel?! I'm shaking with fear because this DEFINATELY feels wrong. "I hate you. You are a sick minded, evil human being." I say staring in his life-less brown eyes. He stops what he was doing and the takes his spear and places the tip of it on the flesh, covering my heart. "CATO!" I scream even louder. I'm about to die. I'm about to die. Cato, I love you. And I know that those are the last words that I want to say and for the Capitol to hear, because they're true. "Cato, I love you." I say silently and Marvel suddenly drops his grip.
I see blood pouring from his nose, where someone has punched him. "Clove." Cato says and brings me into a big embrace. "Thank god your alive. Are you okay?" He asks me and holds me tightly.
"S-Sorta." I stutter, still shaken with fear. "C-Cato, h-h-he's g-gone." I manage to stay when Marvel takes off into the woods.
"Come on." He says and offers me his hand. I accept it and his warmth reassures me, as long as I'm with him... I'm safe. We run after him and I can tell he's furious with Marvel. His face is red with rage and he's shaking uncontrollably. But one thing is for sure, I know that he will never hurt me.
When we arrive to the outline of where the forest is, he puts his arm out in front of me indicating to not go any further. I see Marvel trying to wrap up the little girl from 11, Rue in a big net.
(Cato's POV)
I hear a loud explosion and I look up in the sky to see our supplies being blown up. Damn it. My hands begin to twitch and my body heats up with anger. First Marvel now this!?
"Come on. We have to get back." I say and my ears are ringing after the explosion. Chip, Clove and I begin sprinting back towards the Cornucopia to check out the damage. And when we get there, I sink to my knees and start pounding the ground with my fists. "What the hell happened!?" I shout. All are supplied, blown to bits, scattered along the ground in a million peices. Now, we have nothing but our weapons and the back packs that each of us carry. No food. No shelter. Nothing is left. Great, thanks Chip! Clove and Chip start scouring the area to find any type of evidence.
"Cato, come here." She says calmly. I walk over towards her slowly, with my hands clenched in fists. She hands me a shiny silver arrow. Katniss. It was her. Argh! I kick the remains around me and snap the arrow in half.
"She did this! She did this! And now she's getting away with it!" I think of how well the mines worked but for my liking, they worked a little too well. Chip points up to the sky nervously trying to tell me that she must be dead.
"I didn't hear a cannon. You did this." I say angrily and dart towards Chip. He begins to run, but I'm to fast for him. I capture him in a headlock from behind and I jerk my arms in separate directions and a canon sounds.
Clove rubs my back, trying to calm me down. "You know, the canon could have sounded while the explosion went off." She said reassuringly. She has a point there, you probably wouldn't have heard a canon go off with that loud of a sound booming the arena.
"Let's go to the lake so they can collect the body." I say with a grimace and entwine my hand with her dainty ones.
"So what happened?" I ask. I can tell that she knows that I'm talking about Marvel.
"Well, he, uh, kissed me. Then he touched me." She says looking away as he cheeks burned bright pink, embarrassed.
"Hey, it's okay." I say and hug her tightly. "You can tell me anything. Got that?" I say and she nods with a tiny smile. I lean in and give her a small peck on the forehead but then she points at the river. There was a tanned boy hunched over the river, drinking water. A wicked smile forms on Clove's face.
"Can I kill this one?" She whispers with a smile. I give a slight nod and she takes three steps forward and launches her knife towards the boy. The knife makes a slicing sound as it sinks in to where his heart is and he falls to the ground. Boom. A cannon went off.
"Nice throw." I say with a smile and she smiles back. We search his back pack for anything useful and find two pairs of glasses. "These are for the dark, it makes it seem like daytime." I say and place the glasses inside my backpack.
"Promise me one thing, if I die, you have to win... for us? Okay?" Clove asks me. As much as I'd prefer to die than be without Clove, I nod my head.
"Only if you promise me the same thing." I say and she nods in agreement. I want her to win so she can have a happy life. She deserves it and I must do whatever I can to keep her alive. She plants a quick kiss on my lips and we talk strategy on what our next moves will be and to find shelter. As we walk, I hear two canons go off, and I hope that one of them was Marvel and the other was Fire Girl.
Hey guys! So how was that chapter? Was that dramatic? Did you like it? Please comment! It would mean the world to me to get some feedback. Oh! And vote too while your at it ;) i'm also going to start a new story from the book called "divergent" and I'm writing it from Tobias's POV so that will be up shortly id you guys wanna read it! :) thanks for reading!!!
-madison xxoo

A Dying Love (THG Cato and Clove Fanfiction)
FanfictionCato and Clove, star-crossed lovers from district two. They were in love, but nobody knew. The boy with the sword, the girl with the knives but they didn't know what it was like to take away lives.