Chapter 3

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(Clove's POV)

My eyes flutter as I begin to wake up and yawn. Sitting up in my bed I stretch my arms and hear pots banging downstairs. Can I just get some peaceful sleep for once? I sigh and walk over to my closet. I pull on a black tank top and black short shorts. I then go down on my knees beside my bed to retrieve my knives and begin to strap them around my arms, legs and waist.

"Trevor! Shut up and stop making so much noise!" I groggily shout down to him.

"Oops." He shouts back and chuckles. I open my bedroom door and walk downstairs and sit at the kitchen table. He delivers me a bagel with scrambled eggs on it. I never enjoyed cooking, and honestly with my parents gone almost ninety-five percent of the year I don't think I'd be able to stay well fed without Trevor.

"Thanks." I say and begin to eat. Trevor sits down across form me and takes a bite of his bagel.

"Why didn't you tell me you have a boyfriend?" He asks looking up at me.

"Cato is not my boyfriend!" I yell and stab a knife down on the table. His eyes widen in fear. Great. Another person who's scared of me. "I'm sorry." I say and retrieve the knife. This sort of behaviour is expected in district 2 because most of us have a bad temper.

"It's okay Clove. By the way, I was thinking of volunteering for the games this year." he says looking down at his hands. My eyes widen into shock and he has a deadly smile on his freckly face.

"No! No you are not volunteering!" I say sternly and he looks up at me. "It's your first year in the games, Stupid. You aren't good enough either. You'd get killed easily. You will never volunteer for the games. Promise?" I say hoping that he understands.

"Fine." He promises me and I take the last bite out of my sandwich. "I gotta go." I say and give him a pat on the head. "Have fun at school and then come to the Training Center afterwards. Bye!" I say and hop out the door. I cross the busy streets in our neighbourhood. Everyone is trying to get to the Training Center for that last little bit of practice before the reaping. I look down at my watch and it reads 9:14. Crap! I'm late. I begin to run down the street and I can now see the Training Center. I reach the training center, panting and head over towards the knife station shoving people out of my way as I go. No Cato. Where is he? I thought he'd be here by now. Was this a prank?

"Cato?" I call. No response. I sigh and head over to the knife station and set my daily obstacle course on extreme. Eric calls my name and grabs my arm.

"Clove. Don't do this. No one has ever made it out alive."

"Challenge accepted." I say with a smirk on my face. I turn to head towards the starting point in the course but I'm stopped by Eric's grasp. "Let go of me." I say sternly giving him a deadly glare.

"No. You're going to die if you do this." He says. I grab the knife from my armband and hold the point at his throat.

"You're going to die too if you keep saying that I can't do this. You're underestimating me, Eric." I say and he holds his arms up for mercy. He begins to take slow steps backwards and sits down on the bench to watch me.

Determined to do well I begin the course and three dummies start running towards me. I take two knives, one in each hand and throw them at the dummy's hearts. I dodge the knife that the third dummy throws at me and throw my third knife at him and it sinks into his heart. Another dummy is close behind me and I whip around and throw the dagger that was attached to my hip. I begin to run towards the next five dummies and they throw knives at me. I duck and then throw my knives at them and I hit them perfectly in the head. Two dummies begin to run up behind me and one of them throws a knife that hit my hand. I take the knife out of my hand and stare at my wound. The two dummies come closer to me, this is it. I'm dead. I ran out of knives, so I get ready to duck and cover when Cato slices the dummies' heads off.

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