Chapter 12

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(Clove's POV)

Snap! Snap! Snap! Is all you hear as we walk through the woods. "Ah!" Glimmer shouts and pretends to fall on the ground. "Help! Cato!"

"Shh." I hiss and she's waving for help behind us.

"Glimmer, you're gonna get us killed!" Marvel says and keeps walking behind Cato and I. Cato ignores Glimmer and my finger shoots up to the sky.

"Look! Smoke! Someone's made a fire." I announce quietly, so only the four of us can hear it.

"Better get a cannon ready." Cato says with a smirk and he begins to sprint towards the dark smoke that was deep in the forest.

As we run, I can hear twigs snapping from all over the place. Why can't we just be silent for once? I sigh and keep running, right behind Cato. I look back and see that Marvel and Glimmer were only a few yards away.

The anthem of Panem begins to play for the death recap. I look up in the sky and see the capitol seal which seems to be floating in mid air and the headshots of the tributes, who are dead.

"I hope 12 is dead." I say and Cato nods in agreement. We stop running to see that the boy from 4, the boy from 5, both tributes from 6 and 7, the boy from 8, both tributes from 9 and the girl from 10 are all dead. Damn.

"Eleven people are dead but she's alive." Glimmer sighs.

"They're both alive." Cato moans and we start to run again.

Snap! Snap! Snap! This was a different sound now. This was the sound of flames crackling from the fire that someone was cuddling up to. We were about a 100 yards away from the fire when Glimmer accidentally runs into a tree with a big thud. Typical Glimmer. I sigh and turn towards her.

"Ow!" Glimmer shouts.

"Shhh." I hiss and then a familiar voice begins to apologize.

"I-I'm so sorry. I was just trying to hide. Don't kill me, I can help you." It was Peeta. He's got bruises all over his face and he was camouflaged like a tree.

"What could you possibly do for us, Lover Boy?" I ask and he grimaces.

"Well, I uh, I can tell you everything I know about-" he begins and swallows "her, so you can kill her." He says nervously and I smile at Cato.

"You're in." Cato grins wickedly. "Here's a knife. Try to keep up, okay?"

"O-okay" Lover Boy says shockingly and we start to run to where the fire is, again.

When we arrive, Cato immediately throws the girl into a headlock and she screams for help. No one is going to help her. She was an idiot by setting up the fire.

"Do it." Glimmer says impatiently and Cato begins to slice the girl's throat with his sword as if he was playing the violin.

"Twelve down and eleven to go!" I exclaim and a series of high fives, hoots, hollers and praises go around the group.

"What is Fire Girl good at?" Marvel asks as we sit down and put out the fire.

"Well, um, she's amazing with a bow. And she knows how to hunt and climb. So I'd say she's probably hiding up in a tree somewhere." Lover Boy says. I can't believe he's telling us this. If I was in his shoes, having to give information about where Cato was so that they can kill him, I'd lie. I'd make sure to lead them as far away as possible from Cato. What if he is lying? I doubt it. He's smart enough to know that if he lies, he's a dead duck.

"Okay, well that's a start." Glimmer says bubbly.

Cato was the only one who wasn't sitting. "Better clear out so that they can get the body before it starts stinking." He says.

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