Chapter 14

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(Clove's POV)

My eyes can barely make out anything of the woods since all I can see is thick, gray smoke. I duck down and plug my nose with my jacket, trying to focus on my breathing as I run, following the sound of Cato's footsteps, trusting them to guide me through the woods.

I hear a high pitch choke and I know immediately who it belongs to, Glimmer. "How are you guys-" she chokes on the fumes and then continues."not choking to death from the fumes."

"Well, if you were smart, you'd know that you have to plug your nose with your jacket which helps filter the air. But since you're a blonde idiot who never pays attention to survival skills, you have no idea." I say smart alec like.

She rolls her eyes and I can see we're getting closer to the clearing where the river awaits us. I know exactly what the Gamemakers are trying to do. There's our alliance and everyone else out there who are probably scattered all around the arena. The fire is designed to flush them out from hiding and to drive us all together and get some action going on.

When I hear water splashing, I know that we've caught someone. "Guys! Someone's here!" I croak and they begin to laugh and cough, however Lover Boy stays silent.

"You're dead, who ever you are!" Glimmer croaks, teasingly. Why does she have to advertise that we're coming? Like really, might as well just tattoo "Hey look at me!" on your forehead. I sigh and when we arrive in the clearing I notice who we've caught.

Fire Girl.

"She's dead." I hiss. Yeah, sure I'm jealous of her. Not only because she got a higher score than me or the fact that she stole the spotlight at the parade and interviews. But it's the fact that she and Lover Boy are allowed to express their feelings in front of everyone in Panem, where as Cato and I have to try out hardest to hide them. It kills me not being able to hold his hand all the time or kiss him whenever I want. So when I see her, I shove Lover Boy aside since he was in my way and we begin to chase her through the forest.

We start closing in on her like a pack of wolves, and then she stops in front of a tree. What the hell is she doing? Shouldn't she be running for her life? She begins to climb up the tallest tree there is and I can tell she's beaten up. Her body starts to shake everytime her hands grip a branch, her feet pushing her up. By the time we arrive at the base of the trunk, she's twenty feet up in the air.

We all take out our weapons, ready to attack. I grin and some of the others snarl or hiss as if they we're cobras waiting for their prey. I look up at her and examine her body. I'm the smallest out of all the careers but she looks like she could still be about 50 pounds lighter than me. Must be from the shortage of food in 12.

She smiles and looks down at us teasingly. "How's everything with you?"

She can tell that we're all taken aback. Why is she making a casual conversation with us? The Capitol must be on the edge of their seats right now.

"Well enough," says Cato. "Yourself?" Why is he responding to her!? Can't we just kill her already?

"It's been a bit warm for my taste," she begins. "The air's better up here. Why don't you come on up?"

"Here take this." Glimmer says and offers Cato her bow. I glance up at Fire Girl and I can see the jealousy in her eyes. The bow. She wants the bow. If she gets that bow, she may be able to kill any one of us. She then stares at Peeta hoping for eye contact. She looks furious with him. But why? All Peeta is doing is polish his knife with the hem of his shirt. Could she be thinking that it was Peeta who led us to her? Because it wasn't. With anything her was slumping at the back of the pack trying to find a way out. I think we should kill him soon before he can get away and escape with her.

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