Chapter 20

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Hi! Just so you know, the rest of the story is going to be in Cato's POV since she's dead... :( okay? Okay. <omg comment if you caught that tfios quote lol. Enjoy this chapter :*
-madison xxoo


After what feels like hours, it just starts to sink in that she's gone. All my strength leaves me, and I burry my tear stained cheeks in my hands, and cry, the most I've ever cried in my life. Everything inside of me just screams for one more day, one more hour, one more minute, one more "I love you", one more kiss, one more of everything. I feel like my heart has been ripped out of my chest and it's never coming back to me. I miss her so much already. Her hair, her shimmering eyes, how ticklish she is, how her lips fit with mine, how our hands fit perfectly together. It's all gone now, and she's never coming back, it's all my fault. If only I could have ran just a little bit faster, I would've made it in tame to save her. But one thing's for sure, I can't wait for death. Because that means I'll be reunited with her, in heaven, forever. But first, I must get revenge.

I sit down beside her, because I need time. I'm not going to leave this place for now because then they'll take her body away from me. Besides, her body is the last thing I have left of her now. I gasp in between my tears and find her camera, in her pocket. I stare at the photo of us kissing. My fingers go to my lips as I try to remember what it was like to kiss her.


Clove runs to the Cornucopia to grab our pack and I scour the woods for any threats. I hear a hissing sound from behind me. I slowly turn my head to see 8 giant cobras licking their lips. Oh no. I start to run in the opposite direction to test their speed and holy crap,they're fast! So outrunning them is no longer an option.

I hear Clove shouting. "No, No I-" and she sounds nervous. What could be happening? I take out my sword to fight off the snakes, cutting all their heads off. I dash as fast as I can to the Cornucopia.

"CATO! CATO!" I hear Clove scream.

I push my feet as fast as they can go, anxious to find her and see if she's okay. I sink to my knees beside her dying figure, and it's all my fault


I snap out of my flashback when I hear a series of beeps coming from the clouds. I wipe my tears with the sleeve of my jacket and collect the silver parachute.

Cato, I'm so sorry. I truly and madly sorry. I really thought you two were gonna win this thing. Kill Thresh. And win for her. Come on Cato, I believe in you and so do the sponsors just stay strong. If you need to grieve, I left you some sticky notes and a marker to write down any letters you'd like for Clove to have. Stay strong big guy.
Giving you love and support,

I take off the cap of the black marker and decide to write a bunch of notes. I take the stack of sticky notes and tear it into the shape of a heart. My handwriting looks ugly, but I don't care.


I'm so sorry I couldn't get to you. You don't know what I' do to be with you right now. I love you. No one's ever loved someone as much as I love you.



To the most amazing girl in the world,

I think we all knew that you never missed with your knives, and when you aimed for my heart, you certainly didn't miss.



Dear Clove,

I'm sorry. I was trying to protect you. But I guess I failed. I'm so sorry.



Dear Clove,

I wish we had more time together. I wish we won the games together. Waking up everyday, beside each other. Having a family. I was planning on proposing to you. Yes, I know your only fifteen, but I wanted to be yours forever.



Dear Clove,

In the arena, I could see how much you hated Glimmer. I did everything I could to make her stop because I could see how much you wanted her to be dead. All the things I did to her, was to prove to her that I was in love with you, not her.

From your lover,


Dear Clove,

I'm so sorry. You don't know how badly I wish it could have been me, and not Peeta to say "I love Clove, the girl who came with me." But Enobaria wouldn't let me. Thank you for being an amazing girlfriend, alli, tribute and the love of my life. I will always see you as a victor in my eyes. I wish you were still here with me and we could have been victors, together. We were the real star-crossed lovers. Expect me to visit you in heaven... very soon. I know your not a monster like everyone else thought you were back at home. Your the most amazing girl I've ever met.

Forever and always yours,


I fold the slips of paper in half and tuck them into the pockets of her jacket. This way, she'll be able to have them with her, in heaven. I know I must go or else someone will hunt me down.

I push her hair away from her face, revealing her green eyes. They no longer sparkled, they were just a lifeless shade of green. I swiftly close her eyes. Pretend like she's just in a deep sleep. I kiss her forehead and give her body a big hug. I'm going to miss everything about her. She's my everything. I think back to the promise I first made to her "Together or not at all." I can't win these games without her. I need her. A cry slips from my mouth as I slowly stand up and take my last glance of her. She looks peaceful, except for the dent in her temple.

"I'll never stop loving you Clove." I say and I place my three middle fingers to my lips and hold it out to her. I love you. I love you,Clove.

I slowly turn around leaving the girl I love and I can hear the helicopter coming down to scoop her up. No! I can't handle this! I begin to run desperately into the woods to get my revenge. You better watch out, Thresh.


Yes, yes, I know this chapter is short but the next chapter is going to have some violence and heart breaking stuff in it... It's going to be hard to write! Thank you guys sooo much for 500 reads and 100 votes!!! Please vote and comment your opinion of this chapter! Thanks for reading!

-madison xxoo

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