Author's Note :)

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Hello everyone!

Please stay tuned to the end for a special announcement!

As some of you have read this story since day 1, almost exactly two years ago, many of you have been by my side and constantly supporting me. When I wrote this story, I was 13 years old. Since then, I've turned 15 and am now in grade 10, I struggled to fit in for my first year of high school. It was so hard to find some good friends with the same interests as me. I've struggled a lot along the way with friends, grades and everything else but now I'm finally in a good place with lots of extra time on my hands... I recently just reread this story and I think it has a lot of potential for a sequel. I know I promised one before however, I never really had any good ideas and plots. Now I have so many ideas storming through my mind and I've matured as a writer so, please let me know if you guys would like to see a sequel to A Dying Love :)

Madison :)

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