Chpater 4

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(Clove's POV)

"Mom! Dad!" Trevor yells as we get inside our house. I close the big, stone door behind us as I walk towards the family room where my parents are.

"Hi." I say and sit down on the brown leather couch. Trevor is already hugging my parents and then finally they let go of him.

"What happened to your hand?" My Mom asks as her eyes widen nervously.

"Oh it's nothing, really. Just a little cut during one of my courses today." I say as my Mom picks up my hand and studies it carefully.

"What level was your course?" My Dad asks while sitting on the other side of the sofa.

"Extreme!" I say with a sly smile and look at my Dad. He was very young looking for his age, but if he didn't have the one wrinkle on either side of his mouth, he could look like a teenager.

"That's my girl!" My dad cheers and gives me a high five. Really, this action makes me feel like I'm two but I go with it to make him happy.

"Your hand should be fine." Mom says and sits across from me on the other parallel sofa where Trevor was sitting.

"Um. Trevor was thinking on volunteering this year." I say just to break the awkward silence and begin the conversation.

My Dad breaks into laughter and my Mom tries to keep it together while saying "Honey. Don't. Okay?" She says while patting Trevor's shoulder. Her long brown hair was in two braids down her back.

"Fine." Trevor mutters. He begins to pick at his nails to give him something to do as he waits for the topic to change.

"Clove, we want you to volunteer this year." Dad says and I look at him shockingly.

"I-I-I c-can't d-do t-that." I stutter. This would mean that I'd possibly be in the games with Cato. The only person who actually cares about me.

"And why not?" My dad asks questioningly with his left eyebrow raised.

"Because she has a boyfriend! And he is probably going to volunteer this year." Trevor says and I give him a death glare until he turns away.

"Who is this boy?" Dad asks angrily. Mom was in shock, probably because she never expected me of all people to get a boyfriend.

"Cato Wood." I mumbled.

"Cato? The boy with the sword?" Dad asks.

"Yes." I sigh and begin hugging one of the decorative pillows tightly against my chest. I do this whenever I get the urge to kill someone.

"Well then, your still going to volunteer. It's a tradition in the Sevina family and we must keep the tradition going. If you don't volunteer, you'll be a disgrace to our family." My father says and begins to stomp out of the room. This usually happens in most families. That's why most of the career tributes volunteer, so then they won't be a disgrace to there family. Districts 1,2 and 4 want to have all the glory to themselves and be honoured by their family.

"But-" I begin but my mom gives me an I'm sorry, I cant do anything about that look.

"So basically you two just want to sit there and watch me die. Thanks Mom and Dad." I say my voice getting louder and louder with anger as I go. My father turns around and glares at me, his green eyes piercing my brain with evil thoughts.

"How long have you two been dating for?" My Dad asks, his hands curled into fists.

"A couple days." Trevor laughed. I hate him so much right now. Why do little brothers have to be such a RAT!? He smiles teasingly at me and I can feel my face burning red in anger.

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