Chapter 8

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Okay guys, expect some drammmaaaa in this chapter.... Hope you like it :-)



(Cato's POV)

I wake up to the sound of Cianna pounding her fist on the door. "Wake up! Tributes, were gonna be late!" She shouts.

I moan and roll over to see what time it is. 8:37. Ugh. Training starts at 9:00 and we have to get ready and be there early. "I'm up!" I shout to Cianna and the pounding stops.

I look over at Clove who was sleeping like a baby. She looks so young and peaceful when she's sleeping. As much as I don't wanna disturb her, I know I have to wake her up.

"Wake up, my princess." I say while lightly shaking her shoulder she moans and slowly starts to wake up. "You go ahead and take your shower, I'll get our clothes." I say and walk out of her room.

"Finnally, your up." Enobaria mumbles at the breakfast table.

"Yes. I like to sleep." I say matter-of- factly. I gather up 2 croissants, 2 blueberry muffins and 2 cups of orange juice and our training clothes to bring back to her room.

Clove was already showered, sitting in her bra and underwear on the bed. My eyebrows raise and she giggles.

"Can I have my clothes?" She laughs.

"U-uh yeah" I say and hand her the clothes which consisted of black shirts with our district number on the black, black skinny jeans and combat boots.

We both slip into our clothes and then I sit down with her on the bed and begin to eat our breakfast.

"Training today." I state and she giggles.

"What's so funny?" I ask

"Nothing, I just find it funny how perfectly, amazing you are and out of everyone in the world, your mine and I'm yours." She smiles. I lean in closer to her and we kiss slowly and I can taste the orange juice we both had. I smile and someone barges into the room with a sigh.

"Do you two ever stop kissing?" Enobaria sighs.

Enobaria leads us to the elevator and pressed the G button. "Good luck you two, not like you need it. But train hard and look fierce and intimidating." We nod and Enobaria pats us on the back before we enter the elevator.

"Finally were alone." I say and pull her in close. She smiles and we kiss for what felt like a second when the elevator dings and Marvel and Glimmer bounce in. Clove and I awkwardly moved away from one another quickly and they didn't seem to notice anything.

"Cato! Hey! What's up?" Glimmer squeals. God, is it just me or is her voice really, really, really annoying?

"Hi, Glimmer." I mutter and she frowns playfully.

"What's the matter cranky pants?" She asks and giggles like a high pitched dolphin. Ew. Clove rolls her eyes in disgust and just stares at the floor .

"Nothing is wrong." I say and you know the saying saved by the bell? This was one of those moments , the bell wrang and me and Clove barged out of the elevator.

"In two weeks, 23 of you will be dead. One of you will be alive. Who that is depends on how well you pay attention over the next four days, particularly to what I'm about to say. First, no fighting with the other tributes. You'll have plenty of time for that in the Arena. There are four compulsory exercises. The rest will be individual training. My advice is don't ignore the survival skills. Everybody wants to grab a sword, but most of you will die from natural causes. 10% from infection, 20% from dehydration. Exposure can kill as easily as a knife." Atala, one of the trainers explain. I cross my arms over my chest and put on my wicked, deadly smile. All of the tributes were huddled around in a big cricle, Clove and I were smushed shoulder to shoulder by Marvel and Glimmer. Speaking of Glimmer, why is the staring at me with puppy dog eyes. I quickly look away from her and walk towards the sword station.

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