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Nobody disturbed me from my sleep the next day. I climbed out of the bed at exactly two o' clock in the afternoon. I went straight to the bathroom and showered. After spending an hour to my bathroom, i put on my blue denim shorts and my hanging shirt. This is the most comfortable pair of clothes that i really want. I get my phone from the side table ang noticed that i have tons of text messsges and notifications. I checked the notifications, its seems like nothing is important there. I received fifty messages from my sweet boyfriend and the others were from Joyce and Pauleen. I'm going to call Jason, to let him know that i'm awake now.

After two rings he quickly answered it.

"Hi!" He said cheerfully

"Hi too. So did you sleepwell?"

"Nope. I'm thinking about you Baby. Anyway, i'll call you later something's up here. I love you." Then he hung up. In a hurry? Well i don't know why.

I get up from the couch then go down to the kitchen. Everyone was so busy, to think that Dad will be home by tomorrow. Some of the maids were cleaning and some of them were in the kitchen. I saw Evelyn was standing at the doorway of the kitchen.

"Eve. Can i have lunch?" I said with a puppy eyes. I'm so hungry now.

"Of course. Sit at the dining area, i'll give it to you there." I nodded. She made her way to the kitchen and prepared my foods.

"Here Mam Steph." She handed me a plate with mashed potato, corn and carrots and a fish fillet. Wooh! Looks like i'm going to eat this all.

"Thanks Eve. By the way, where's mom?" I asked her.

"Mam Lucy fetch her at around nine in the morning, i think. They said that they just need to arrange some things at the hotel." She said. But i think, something's up here. Everyone was acting so weird. Is it about my Dad that we'll be home tomorrow?

"Ohh. Okay. Thanks Eve." I said. I ate as i watched all the maid doing their chores. I heard  a car engine that stopped from the outside. Maybe a visitor? Or maybe Mom. I continue eating and didn't paid attention to my surroundings. After the meal, i quickly made my way to my room cause i know i have to face my luggages. I noticed that my door wasn't close as i remember i closed and locked it. Or maybe not, cause i'm really hungry so there's a chance that i didn't locked it.

I started cleaning my room by picking up my luggages from the floor. I felt someones arms wrapped around my waist and that made me stop. Turning my face around to see who it was, i saw my boyfriend.

"Gosh. You scared me baby!" I hit his chest but he just laughed with my reaction.

"Sorry. So how's my princess?" He put my arms on his neck, while his hands were on my back.

"I'm good. Well seeing my hottie boyfriend, makes me feel more good." I grinned at him. He attempted to kiss me but i stopped him by putting a finger between us.

"Ohh. You don't like to kiss me baby?" He asked while making a puppy eyes.

"I like to kiss you but not here above my luggages." I answered him. He laughed with what i have said.

"Anyway, you look hot by that clothes baby. I can see your flesh and i'm starting to crave for that." He looked at me in a maniac way. He bit his lower lip then licked it with his tongue.

"Ohhh.. So anyway baby, before you do what you are planning to do to me. How did you get here?" I slowly grabbed his hand and made our way to the couch.

"By the help of your wonderful maids! I used my charms on them." He winked. Okay. His so charming that's why even my Mom can't resist him.

"Charms? Do you have that?" I teased him

"Of course. That's why i got you." Full of confidence my love. So arrogant.

"Maybe not. I just want you because your Lucy's son. I really love your Mom that's why i picked you up as my boyfriend." I laughed. He grabbed my waist and put me on his lap.

"Really huh? So i'm going to leave now. I need to pick up a girlfriend that loves me." He said. He hold me on my waist then put me on the other side of the couch. Here we go again. We're doing the teasing sesh again.

"Go on. Pick up some girlfriend there and don't forget to use the charm that you're calling." I giggled and made my way to my unfinished luggages that was still scattered on the floor. He smiled but faded soon. His now standing in front of my door.

"I'm leaving now Steph. See you tomorrow." Is he serious? Oh gosh. He takes it in a serious way.

"Hey. Where are you going? Oh my. You're serious huh." I get up from the floor just to stop him but he shut the door behind me before i can reached him.

Ohh. His serious. Okay. I went back to my luggages and didn't paid attention to my moody boyfriend. His really serious, i thought he was just teasing along with me.

My back ached so much. I've been here on the floor for about an hour or so. Separating the stuffs that i'll be giving to my siblings, my parents and my friends. Separating my things that i bought there. I saw the shirts that i bought for Jason, thinking about him i got my phone from the bed then noticed that i have messages but none of those came from him. His mad at me, right. I put my phone back to the bed and continue to fixed my things. I was in my deep thoughts when i realized that there's someone knocking on the door.

"Just go back later. I'm fixing my things." I said but i received no response instead a knock is what i got again. Walking towards my door a little grumpy, i unlocked it without looking whom will it be.

"I said go back--" I was cut off when i saw a bunch of white roses facing me. And there standing behind that is my crazy boyfriend.

"My girlfriend said that i need to pick up a girl to use my charm. She doesn't love me though. How about you, can you be my girlfriend so that my girlfriend will get jealous at us?" He said. Geez! His so sweet! My knees were getting weak now. I don't know what to say. I hugged him so tight and released him later on.

"Well, i can be your girlfriend if you have charms more than my boyfriend. You are charming more than him, i think and i love you more than i loved him." I laughed then kissed him on the cheeks. Realizing that we're still standing at the door, i let him in.

"I thought you get mad at me baby." I sadly said. His standing behind me with his chin resting on my shoulder and arms around my waist, while i'm still standing holding the bouquet.

"Of course not. It's a part of my surprise. It's just a part one baby." He whispered in my ears. Part one? So there's more?

"I told you not to spoil me baby. My Mom, your Mom and you, you're all spoiling me." I smiled. He just grinned. I released myself from his arms then put the flowers at the table.

"We're not spoiling you Steph. You know what, if we got a child, he or she will be so spoiled on us. Like what we are all doing to you." He smiled and sat on the floor with those mess that i have.

"Okay. Anyway thank you for these baby." I pointed at the flowers that i placed on the table a while ago.

"Baby. Before i forgot, the stuffs that i bought from Australia, i left it in the front door. Those were for your parents and siblings. Can you get it!?" He grinned. I gave him an annoyed look. I made my way towards the door and saw that there were six shopping bags. I pick it up then carry it to the bed.

"Jason why six bags? If i'm not mistaken. Two for my parents then three for my siblings. So five, Right?" I said while putting myself in the floor.

"Yes. The other one was for my future wife." He smiled towards me. I crawled at the floor to go to him and sat on his lap.

"Woah. Wow! The way you crawled baby. That was so intense! Can you always do that?" He wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I just crawled, is there something wrong with that? You're just craving for my body, boy." I grinned. I'm feeling his bulge under that jeans of him. A little kissing sesh will help.

"Crawling towards me? Baby that was so hot for me. Seeing you with that hanging loose shirt and under that was your pink bra, god! I wish i can ripped off your clothes baby!" Jason excitedly said with his wide eyes.

I remained sitting on his lap, but now i'm facing him. We looked at each other for a while then i found my lips on his. Kissing can help the feeling that we were both feeling. The heat that i was getting from him, it's priceless. Every touch, every movement we does it was filled with love. The way he pulled my head towards him, i have nothing to argue with that.

We parted when we heard a loud coughed behind us, we were breathless. We both look to where the cough is coming and got shocked that Lucy and my Mom were there, standing at the doorway. They both entered my room and closed the door behind them.

"Make sure to lock or close the door guys. You didn't realize that we're here for about fifteen minutes." Lucy giggled. Gosh! Fifteen minutes? So they just watched at us? Jason and I were still stiff. We can't move and i'm enjoying this sitting position.

"Im so sorry." I mumbled. Still not looking at them.

"Yea. We're so sorry." Jason looked at me and tucked my loose hair behind my ear.

"Ohhh. No. It's okay. We're like that too when we're on your age. We just stopped you because we thought your about to make out. We don't want to see you two making out." My Mom laughed and Lucy laughed along. Jason was cupping my face and kissed me on my forehead.

"I'm sorry baby." He whisphered in my ear then hugged me.

"Look Sarah. They are so sweet!" Lucy exclaimed

"Yea. They are. I'm so excited on what will happen if they get married!" My Mom said between her giggle. They were so cute. They looked like teenagers that was gossiping at each other.

I didn't paid attention to them. Instead i return the hug to my boyfriend.

"Hey i enjoy that one. So don't be sorry. We can continue it later." I whispered on his ears then he giggled.

"Get up now guys, then fix this mess, then go down for dinner." My Mom said. We got up from the floor and they both walked out my room.

"Baby bring that to my wardrobe." Pointing to the two empty luggages and the other one that was filled with my things. He quickly brought my things to the wardrobe, one by one.

"Baby, i'll put your things on the bed so that you can't forget it when you go home." He just nodded because his still carrying one of my luggage.

The six paper bags that Jason brought, i put it in the bed. The things that i bought for my parents i put it in one big paper bag then to my siblings i put in three separate paper bags. Jason poked his head from my wardrobe.

"Baby get the paper bag, the one that i brought here." He shouted from the wardrobe


"There, the big one. I will put it here in the wardrobe. It's for my future wife." He smiled. His really sweet.

"Okay. Are you sure that your future wife lives here?" I said as i walked towards him at the wardrobe.

"Yes she's living here. In fact she's here beside me but soon we'll be living on one house. Soon." He said as he wrapped his arm on my shoulder.

"Ohh. That was so sweet. Come on now. Mom's waiting." I said and pulled out from his hold.

We walked towards the kitchen and eat the dinner with the whole gang. Jason and i gave the stuffs that we bought from Australia to them. We're almost complete now. I can't wait until tomorrow, Dad will be home. We filled the night with so much laughter and bondings.

"Sarah i'm going now. I know i should be here tomorrow, you dont need to ask." Lucy said as we were walking towards the door.

"Of course. You should be here!" My Mom said

"Yes. By the way Jason, are you going with me?" She looked at Jason then he shook his head.

"I'll be home by nine mom. I have my car there so i can ride by that." Jason said

"Okay well then i'm going now. Goodnight guys." She waved her goodbyes to us. Mom also made her way to her room. We went back to my room then i fixed Jason's things.

"I put all your things here." I handed him the big paper bag. I bought him shirts and perfumes that he wants.

"Thanks." I nodded.

"Baby, when you go home, can you give me a ride? I was just craving for caramel frappe. I'm just going at the shop outside the village is it okay?" I asked. After eating i really want some frappe. I'm just craving for it.

"Of course. I'll give you a ride home too." He laid on the bed then get up soon.

"Come on now." He said. I get my wallet and my phone in my bag then i followed him in his car. We drove to the coffee shop located outside our village. We stepped inside the coffee shop, then some of the patrons eyed on us. Well, aren't we that popular? Jason was holding my hands while i'm deciding if it's venti or grande size. And finally i decided for a venti and he ordered it quickly.

"Sissy!!" I heard a shout from the right side of the shop. I saw the two girls with their boyfriends, of course Joyce and Pauleen. I waved at them and mouthed 'wait me there', they just nodded.

"Baby. I'm just going to the girls. Here's my card." I'm giving him my card to pay for the coffee that we've order but he shook his head.

"How silly are you Steph. Im the man here. I'll be the one who will pay. Just wait here beside me, the frappe will be out soon." I nodded. He wrapped me in his arms then waited for the frappe to be served. When we got the frappe, we made our way to our friends.

"What a lovely evening to see the most trending couple in town." Joyce exclaimed

"Shut up. Miss you girls." I said as i hugged both of them. Jason also greeted Rich and Raymond in a brotherly manner.

"So when did you went home from Australia?" Pauleen asked

"Last night. I texted you girls. Didn't you saw it?" I said. I was now sitting between the two girls. Sitting across my wonderful boyfriend.

We spent two hours in the coffee shop. We just talked about the trip to Australia. All the things that we did there and Jason's surprise to me. I also invited them for tomorrow. It's a family gathering because they are also a family to us. Jason gave me a ride home. Of course, he still don't want to go home but i insists that he should be home to prepare for my Dad tomorrow.

I am now lying in my bed and watching my hottie boyfriend sleeping thru skype. The moments, the surprises, the love, it's all amazing and i know it's all because of him.

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