Sleepover blues

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"Alistaire, are you excited with your baby brother?" Joyce put Alistaire on her lap. Her baby bump was bigger than mine. She's twenty weeks now.

"Yes. He'll be the prince in our castle." Alistaire smiled. It's been hours that they were here. They will sleep here tonight, cause i insisted and i miss them.

"What about my baby girl? She'll be what in your castle?" Joyce continued to asked Alistaire. Joyce will be having a baby girl, one that she always wished for. She better get ready because Alistaire was not going to stop once you talk to her.

Pauleen and Raymond was just listening to the two. They will become parents soon and we're so excited with that. Rich was beside Joyce draping his arm on her shoulder. While this man beside me, his arms was still wrapped on me.

"She'll be my brother's princess." Alistaire answered. We all laughed with what she said. That will be better. My baby will be the boyfriend of Joyce's baby girl. Such a cute future.

"That will be great." Joyce softly laughed. Maids served us the juice and some chips. I'm still exhausted even if we had that sleep a while ago. I decided to wear my shorts and my tank top but still, it was still hot.

"Mommy!" Alistaire shouted. She jumped out of Joyce's lap as i looked at her.

"Yes? Sleepy huh?" I put her to Jason's lap. Jason looked so tired. I've been asking him some foods and things that was so unusual.

"No. Can i sleep on your room tonight?" She pouted. I kissed her lips and rubbed my nose to her.

"Baby, is it okay?" I looked at Jason and he just nodded.

"You'll sleep there but.. No kicking on Mommy's tummy. Baby brother will get hurt." She nodded then cupped my cheeks. We slept a while ago and she accidentaly kicked my tummy, it hurts like hell. I was really upset but i can't scold her, she didn't intend to do that.

We all decided to moved up to our theater room. We watched two movies and it was the best bonding we had. I asked Lea to put Alistaire on my bed, because i noticed her sleeping on my lap a while ago. We remained chatting here at the theater room. I was really looking forward for more like this.

"Sissy, you heard the news?" Pauleen said as she keeps on browsing the net on her Ipad.

"What?" I looked at her, same as the others. We all looked at her.

"Evo and Kristel got married." She presented us the picture that was on her account, a newsfeed about them.

"Good for them." I laughed. Jason kissed the top of my head then rested his head on my shoulder.

"Super good for them. Their match, they were stupids." Joyce laughed. Joyce has really a bad mouth.

"No wonder, he was forced to married Kristel, because she's pregnant. He was still in love with Stephanie remember?" Pauleen laughed. In love with me? What is she saying?

"Shut up. There's no love between us. His an idiot and i know that i deserve someone better than him." I smiled, sipping these cup of tea.

"Course. Jason was better than him." Joyce laughed and tucked her tongue out towards Jason.

"I'm better than him Joycy. You know that." Jason answered. I hold his hand and kissed the back of it. Joyce and Jason was really close to each other, they were trouble when they're together believe me.

"I know. I said it already. Haven't you heard it?" Joyce rolled her eyes then laughed.

"Seriously Jason. You are the best for Steph. We shouldn't help you with everything just to get her if we've seen you as worst as Evo." Pauleen seriously said. I was just looking at them as they was sharing those words. How he asked my friends help just to know everything about me. He did all the efforts if i must say.

"Guys. Chill. Stop teasing Jason." Rich butt in. We are all laughing with this topic about Jason. My gosh! How poor my baby is.

"Help me boys." Jason looked at the boys but Rich and Raymond just shrugged and shook their heads. We still have the topic about Jason. All the surprises that he did, all the status that he posted, all the things he did and said it was all brought up.

"Enough girls." I laughed. Jason sighed for a relief and kissed me on my cheeks.

"We're not yet done Mr. Red!" Joyce teased. She's really a hyper one tonight.

"Rich can you put that girl to bed now? Please." Jason begged to Rich. Rich laughed then grabbed Joyce's body.

"Guys let's sleep. We need it. You know." I said. They all nodded and we all greeted our goodnight to each other. They will sleep on the guests room. We made our way to our room. Jason's arm was wrapped around me as we were walking towards our room. We're not making love for two weeks because my doctor advised us to have sex if he felt so needy. What she mean is not everyday sex, it's for the baby's health. I told to Jason that if he wants to have sex, he can tell me.

"Where's Alistaire? I told Lea to put her here." I rubbed my tummy as i looked over our empty bed.

"I told Lea to put her in her room." He grinned. He made his way to the bathroom. I locked our door and started to remove my clothes. I'll be having a shower too after him. I laid on the bed first, naked. I closed my eyes as i waited for him.

"Sleepy?" I felt his lips on my neck. I opened my eyes and wrapped my arms on his neck.

"Yes. I'll just have a quick shower." I peck a kiss on his lips as i carefully climbed out of the bed. A quick shower is what i want. As i was done i put on my nighties. I swear our aircon was on it's cold but it was still hot.

"I hate the weather baby." I laid beside him, a little far from him. I spread my body like a starfish.

"You hate it because you can't go to beach and get tan." He smirked. I gave him an annoyed look. He knew that i love to go tanning. And now, it's impossible, i'm still petite but with the baby bump.

"I can. Just don't go with me if i go to beach. I'll look for a man that can be with me." I turn around and face my back to him. I don't know but i'm still this moody. A little joke but i was really affected. I tucked myself under the comforter and closed my eyes.

"My princess' mad at me." He tucked his head on my shoulder but i still ignored him.

"Sorry. I was just teasing you." He placed a small kiss on my shoulder. It bring shiver on my body but i was really not on the mood because of what he said. He knew that it's dragging me. I want to get pregnant but at the same time i still want to wear those sexy clothes that i have.

I reached for my phone and decided to call my Mom. His still lying on the bed, playing on his Ipad.

"Hello?" Mom answered.

"I miss you Mom." I softly said. I want to go to Mom. I want to lay beside her and hugged her.

"Miss you too. Why are you still awake? You having fight with him?" I climbed out of the bed and stood in front of the door.

"A little. Mom can you call Dra. Harp? I want to go to beach. Is it okay for the baby?" I looked over Jason and his looking at me.

"No need to call her. You can go to beach. Just tell me when. You sleep now. Love you honey."

"Love you too." I hung up. I climbed in the bed and lay on my place again.

"Night." I mumbled and closed my eyes. I don't want to deal with him. Not tonight. I was a little affected, i don't know but i'm really a moody one now.

"Steph. You don't want me here?" I still ignored him.

"I'll be going home. Sorry again. Promise i'll be good tomorrow." I felt the bed became lighter. His not joking. Ohh come on Stephanie. You're acting like a bitch.

"You'll leave me here?" I turn to face him and saw him standing with his jeans. He just nodded.

"Okay. I think we should put everything off. I thought you'll be saying sorry or what, but no. I'll just pack my things. It's your house, i'm the one who needs to go." I climbed out of the bed and carefully walk towards our wardrobe as i was holding my tummy.

"If you want we can have a break. Or let's have a break up. I can take care of Alistaire and myself." I shouted from the wardrobe. A little fight became a big and it's because of me, being the moody one. I thought he understand. I'm pregnant and it's really a characteristics of being a pregnant. I pulled out my luggage and started to put my clothes there.

"Baby. It's not that. I'm sorry." He pulled my luggage away from me and hold me tight.

"I'm sorry okay? Sorry." He peck a kiss on my lips. I was sitting on the carpet, crying.

"Jason if it's giving you a hard time. This pregnancy or this things. I can let you go. If you still want your single life it's okay for me. I can provide my kids." I pulled my luggage and continue to put my clothes. I continue to cry, sitting on the floor. My tummy was aching but i don't mind.

"Shit! Ouch! Baby.." I shouted. My tummy's aching hard now. He carefully lifted me and carried me to bed.

"You want me to call the doctor?" I shook my head. He sat beside me as i remained lying. He rubbed my tummy and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"That will be the last fight baby. I'm not letting you go. We promised that we're not going to separate right? Sorry if i lost my patience. Sorry." He stated. I nodded and pulled him closer to me.

"Sorry baby." I hugged him tight. He continued to rub my tummy. It's still aching but little by little it's soothing because of his touch.

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