All my love for you

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"Morning pretty." I heard Jason murmured behind me. I turn around, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Morning too." I peck a kiss on his lips. My baby smells so good, i think he already had his shower. I'm too late, i want to have shower with him.

"You hungry already?" He touched my tummy, tickling it.

"Stop that. Why did you have shower without me?" I frowned fakely. Alistaire was still not around our room, maybe she's still sleeping.

"Look at you baby, craving for me. I take a shower because i want to smell good when you wake up." He held me closer to him, rubbing our nose.

"You smell good everyday even if your sweaty. I love you Jason." I kissed him again, but now, deeply and passionately.

"Ohh. I'm still bad breath baby?" I laughed, pulling away from the kiss. Jason was really a man full of hygiene in his body. Too clean with everything.

"No, of course not, your breath smells like candies." He giggled, kissing me down my neck.

"Plans for today my love, it's our monthsary." I smiled. It's been a week after we went to the beach. After that beachy time, we always spent most of our days with my family. My friends always visit me here at our house. Joyce have a big baby bump now, while Pauleen, she still have the little one. It's cute because they are enjoying their pregnancy. I'm not bitter anymore, swear.

"No plans. Just stay on the bed, whole day." He seriously said. I don't believe him. He told it to me last month, that we had our monthsary. He told me that he have no plans. He asked me to go to our theater room, to watch a movie and i didn't argue with that. As we reached the theater room, it was filled with chocolates and flowers.

We watched Eat, Pray and Love for the million times. That movie became our favorite movie. He always said that he can see himself in the role that Julia Roberts is portraying at. He said that he finds the food that he eats was very special when i'm with him. He also said that whenever we go to church and hearing those masses together, he always felt so loved and blessed to have me in his life. His so girly. And lastly, love, he connect it in his life as simple as, 'it's you'. He always told me that his love for me is growing more everyday. And i feel the same way for him.

"Come on baby. I want to go somewhere." I made a sad face. He ruffled my crowning glory, placing a soft kiss on my forehead. It was the best way to start our day, nothing more.

"Where? I don't like to go out. I want to spend my day with you here. I can send Alistaire to Mom's house." He wiggled his brow, grinning widely. This man was really a horny one. We are still patching up things around us. Like the nursery room that we filled with the baby's things. We decided not to remove anything from those. Second, our making love sessions. We are still doing it but not everyday. It's been two months after my miscarriage and we're still waiting if he knocked me up again. Next, the school and work papers, non-stop reviewing and answering on those sheets. We manage to have a two hours review everyday.

"I want Alistaire here, you know that. Spa or anything baby. Please?" I make a puppy eyes but he shook his head. He put my body above him like a feather, straddling on his hips. I was still on my nighties, no bra as per him. Jason ordered that i will not wear bra every night on our sleep. I don't know why, but it feels good whenever i'm not wearing those.

"I'll call for a spa service later. Shower now, before your little girl go here." Grabbing me by waist then placed me back to the bed. I stretch a little, not giving a care if he saw my flesh. I heard footsteps and shout outside our bedroom.

"I told you." Jason laughed, holding his Ipad, grinning at me. It's our baby girl shouting for Mommy and Daddy. I jumped out of the bed and made my way towards the door.

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