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"Mr. Red!" I shouted from my bathroom. I was on my robe and standing in front of his mess. His clothes were scattered on the sink, same as his toiletries.

We reached our house pass eleven. Mom didn't let Josh and Anika to go home, so they sleep here at our house also. Lucy insists that she wants to go home, but Mom didn't let that happen. She forced Lucy to sleep on the guest room.

"Why?" He popped his head on the door of the bathroom. I pointed my finger to his mess on the sink. He quickly removed the mess and put it in the laundry bin.

"That will be the last Mister." I snapped. I stepped out of my bathroom and go straight to my wardrobe. I missed my room, i mumbled to myself as i look around. I pulled out my night dress and put it on.

"Are you mad?" I felt an arm wrapped on my waist. I shook my head as he pulled me more to him.

"Wait me at the bed. Alistaire might get up." I softly said. He started to kiss my neck down to my shoulder.

"Baby.." I giggled. I'm not really on the mood tonight. I feel so exhausted. The whole day activities hit me and gets me so tired.

"I'll go with you. Just stop it." I turn around and wrapped my arms on his neck. I pulled him out of the wardrobe. I'm not done with my beauty rituals but he will not stop as long as he didn't put me to bed.

"Love you princess." I whispered to Alistaire that was on her deep sleep. She was on her place on my bed. She's sleeping since we've been home.

"Come on. Lay down now." He pulled me on our place and tuck me under our cover.

"Close your eyes." He put his hand on my eyes but i shook my head. I'm hungry again? When we reach our house, i asked our maid to cook an oatmeal for me, because i don't want any food a while ago, besides oatmeal.

"I'm hungry." I whispered on his ears. His body get tense as i kiss his ears.

"What do you want?" He get up from the bed and looked at me.

"Do we still have stocks on your fridge baby?" He asked. I don't know if we still have foods on my tiny kitchen, but i think we still have stocks.

"Just check it baby. I just want milk and chips." I smiled. He nodded and made his way to my tiny kitchen. I climbed out of the bed and sit on the couch. I tucked my legs up and turn on the television. I lowered the volume not to disturb my little princess. I connect the television to my Ipad. I want to watch Eat Pray Love, one of my favorite movie.

Jason walked back to my bedroom with a food tray on his hand. He place the tray on the table. Two cups of milk and a bowl of chips. See? He eats what i want to eat. He sit beside me and i quickly play the movie. He give me my cup and pass me the bowl of chips. I press the play and started to focus on it.

"Is the movie okay with you baby?" I turn my sight to him. His arms draped on my shoulder and kissed the top my head.

"Of course. All you want is what i want." He smiled. His so sweet. I reach for his lips and kissed him softly.

We both watch the whole movie while eating and drinking what he prepared. I love this movie so much. You know the realization and purpose of each decision that you made in life, it's in this movie. How you find yourself and the happiness that you want. I really love this. I love how Julia Roberts acts here.

"This movie really captured me baby." I said as i pulled out the connectors from my Ipad. I check the channels at the television. Nothing to watch for.

"Yea. You cried even the scene wasn't a sad scene." He laughed. I hit his chest as i sit back on the couch again. Our cups was empty and the bowl of chips too. It's fifteen minutes before three in the midnight. I'm still not sleepy.

"Baby. I'm still not sleepy. If you want to sleep, you can." I lean on his shoulder and kiss his hand that i didn't stop to play with since i sit back on the couch.

"I'll sleep when you are sleepy already. I wont leave my princess alone." He place a finger under my chin then pulled up my head.

"You are really pretty baby. I want to kiss you." He gazed into my eyes and touch my face.

"Kiss me? Because i'm pretty? Just pretty? Nothing more?" I sat on his lap and wrapped my arms on his neck.

"Not just pretty. You have everything. You are everything." He cupped my cheeks and kissed the tip of my nose.

"Baby, can i ask you something?" I seriously asked ignoring what he said. I remained sitting on his lap.

"Yea. Just don't ask me if i can have sex with you tonight. You don't need to ask that." He teased and kissed the top of my head.

"Silly. I know you can't resist me. I want to have sex with you but not now. I'm tired and i just want to cuddle with you. So.. Can i ask you something?" He nodded.

"Baby. Where is your Dad?" I slowly asked. I feel his body tense but i put my arms on his shoulder to make him comfortable. This is what i want to ask to him. Lucy and Mom didn't told me anything about Jason's father.

"H-hi-his-" He said in rambling words. Tears forming in his eyes now. I think it's giving him a hard time.

"Baby. If you can't tell, it's okay. I'll wait for the right time." I cupped his cheek. Maybe, he really can't tell it to me. He looks worried and tensed with the topic that i pulled up.

"Dad loves my Mom so much. We are really a family by that time. I have an older brother, John." He sighed

"John was eighteen and i was fourteen. Althea was on Australia that time. Mom was busy with the company, a meeting with your Mom i think. I was really tired so i rushed towards my room. As i laid on my bed, i started to get curious with what am i hearing." His tears rolled down from his eyes. I kiss those tears that keeps on falling.

"I called Mom because i don't know what's that noise. Mom rushed home with your Mom. We quickly get inside my Dad's room and shocked with what we saw." He sobbed and hold my hands.

"Dad was there having sex with another girl. Mom shouted at them and hurt them. Your Mom stopped that scene. Mom was crying hard. And he put Dad out of the house. Dad bring John with him.." He said between his tears. I hugged him cause his really crying hard now.

"We didn't see them for a week.. One day we got a call, a call from Mom's secretary. Saying that Dad and John died on a plane crash. Plane that was going to Vegas. We don't know what's on Vegas and why are they going there." I rubbed his back and pulled out from the hug.

"Someone told us that they will be having a good time on Vegas. No other things to deal at Vegas. Mom cried at the funeral. Althea cried her everything too. We all promised to each other that even without Dad, we will continue with our lives. Not being so rude, but Dad give us a reason not to respect him. You know.. The incident." His still crying.

"We make it clear to ourselves that since that day. No mentioning of Dad and John." He stopped crying and compose himself back. He hugged me so tight. That's why they are not mentioning that John and his Dad, now i understand.

"I love you. Sorry for asking that huh?" I cupped his cheeks then rub my nose into his.

"It's the right time to tell you baby. Sorry for keeping that." He simply said. I understand this because it's hard for their part. That's why Lucy was just giving all her attention to Jason.

"Mommy.. Mommy.." I heard the little voice coming from my princess in bed. I quickly get up from his lap and approach Alistaire.

"You want milk honey?" I hugged her. She's sobbing and rubbing her eyes. Jason get up from the couch and prepared Alistaire's milk in the side table.

"Shh. Mommy's here. Go back to sleep." I rubbed Alistaire's back as Jason softly put the bottle to her small mouth.

"Mommy is not going anywhere. Close your eyes now." I laid beside her as i keep on rubbing her back. Alistaire quickly go back to her sleepy world. I put myself under the cover and Jason lay down beside me.

I was facing Alistaire and keep staring at her. An arm wrapped around me, pulling me closer to him. I felt kisses to my neck down to my shoulder and that made my whole body shiver.

"Baby.." I simply said. He continue to kiss my back. He move my hair on the side and continue to kiss me.

"I want you.." He whispered heavily. He kiss my ears as i feel his hand on my thigh.

"I'm tired. I want to rest." I turn around to face him. His face dropped with what i have said. The rejection and hurt flashes in his eyes. He nodded and remove his arm on me.

"Sorry baby. Promise tomorrow." I giggled. He just give me a small smile and close his eyes. His mad.

"Are you mad? I'm sorry.. Hey." I touch his face but his ignoring me now. He didn't need to talk, i know his mad. I'm just tired and he knows that.

"Sorry again. I'm tired and pregnant. I need some sleep. Sorry. Night." I kissed his forehead and climbed out of the bed. I decided to go to the couch. I place the cushions on the couch perfectly so i can lay down there perfectly. I lay down and close my eyes. I'll sleep here for tonight. I don't want to go along with his madness blues.


"Mommy.." I feel someone pulled my arm. I rubbed my eyes and glanced at the wall clock: 6:30.

"Yes? What do you want?" I get up from my lying position and hugged Alistaire. Jason didn't bother to carry me on the bed. My back ached and my neck is stiff. Maybe his seriously mad at me.

"I'm hungry." She softly answered.

"Okay. Let's go down. Let's see if someone's awake now." I carry her in my arms and made our way down. I'm still sleepy but no one will take care of her because her nanny was on the maids quarter and i know she's tired too. I noticed Mom and Lucy in the living room. I kissed them both and put Alistaire between them.

"Mom, can i leave Alistaire here? I sleep late and i'm still sleepy. Can you take care of her first?" I said. They both looked at me with so much concern. I know they sensed that somethings up with Jason and I. They are really great investigators.

"Yes. Go back to sleep and fix what you need to fix." Mom smiled. I nodded and give them a weak smile. I'm still tired. I kissed Alistaire's forehead and go back to my room.

His still sleeping. I walked over on his side and look at his face. His really handsome. I remained staring at him. He looks tired.

"I love you." I whispered and kissed his forehead. I laid back on the couch and close my eyes. I rejected him that's why his mad. I know how it feels to be rejected.

I open my eyes and noticed that it's already twelve noon. I get up from the couch, realizing that i slept that long. Alistaire needs me. I quickly run towards my bathroom.

"Ohh. I'm sorry. I didn't know that you're here." I said in rambling words. Jason is there, standing in front of the sink, with the towel on his waist. I quickly stepped out of the bathroom. I can hear that his calling me. I don't know but i don't want to face him. He didn't bother to carry me to bed. Does he know how my body ached with that couch? It's fluffy and full of cushion but it's still different from my bed.

I walked towards my wardrobe and decided to look for my clothes. I pulled out my white tank top and red skinny jeans. I'll go somewhere and bring Alistaire, not to deal with him today. I heard the bathroom door knob being clicked, maybe his done now. I stepped out of the wardrobe and go straight to the bathroom. His on the bed, sitting and looking good.

I remove every cloth that was on my body. I prepare the tub and decided for a long bath. I sank in the tub as the lavander scent soothes me. I stayed in the water for hours. I just want to stay here. I cried and started to think about my thoughts. I don't want a day, that his mad. It's getting me weak, just the thought of him being mad at me. I carefully get up from the tub and shower. I put everything on my body that i need whenever i shower. I put on my robe as i finished. I stepped out of the bathroom and go to my wardrobe.

I put lotion and moisturizers. I put on my clothes and get my black flops and bag. I prepared Alistaire's things. I heard the main door of my room being opened. I stepped out of my wardrobe and noticed Jason with Alistaire in the bed. I put my things on the couch. I walked towards my mirrored table and quickly put my final touches. Mousse on my hair, some moisturizers on my face and a nude lipstick to top it all. I put my hair in a high pony tail and sprayed my expensive perfume on me.

"Come on Alistaire. Shower time." I giggly said to her. I carry her in my arms and go to the bathroom. I showered her without ruining my clothes. I put her to her robe after the quick shower. I go straight to couch where i left her things. Jason was still there sitting on the bed.

"Mommy are we going to the mall?" Alistaire happily said. I wiped her small body and put some powder on her.

"Yes. We'll buy stuffs for you and baby. We will eat ice cream and everything you want." I put her to a simple lovely red dress and her flat shoes.

"Ohh. I want strawberry Mommy, with the sprinkles on top." She excitedly said. Jason looked at me but i ignored him. I'm mad at him now. No effort or didn't attempt to talk to me.

"Everything that my princess wants.. Don't move." I was putting her hair on a pony tail. She was jumping and dancing. She's truly a hyper.

"Can i go with you?" Jason asked. I looked at him and just shrugged. He get up from the bed and walked towards the couch.

"Alistaire go to bed. Mommy and Daddy will talk first." Jason smiled at Alistaire. Alistaire quickly jumps on the bed and played her Ipad that was still on the bed.

"Don't ruin your hair honey." I point at her hair cause she's starting to loosen her pony tail.

"Steph." Jason mumbled.

"Jason, if it's because of last night. Just don't. I know i rejected you and your mad. You don't need to talk to me. I slept on the couch and didn't bother you." I quickly said. I was still feeling tired and all. I just don't want to deal with him.

"Baby. I'm sorry." He holds my hand and put it on his face. I looked at him and caress his touch.

"It's okay. We're going to mall. I' ll leave you here." I simply said. I get up from the couch and get my bag.

"Alistaire. Kiss Daddy. We're leaving now." Alistaire jumped out of the bed. She kissed Jason and hugged him.

"Daddy you will not come with us?" Alistaire stared at him.

"Daddy need some alone time and we're going to a girl bonding. Aunt Joyce and Aunt Pauleen is there." I smiled. I don't want her to know that we're not okay. A while ago i texted Joyce and Pauleen to meet me at the mall. You know a little bonding will help.

"Bye." I kissed him on the cheeks.

I carry Alistaire and made our way down. I tuck her on the car seat and put the seat belt on her. I will drive today. I quickly start the engine and drive. I was not on the mood today but i know girls can helped me through this.

I parked on the VIP space of the mall and enter with Alistaire on my hand. We go straight to the Italian restaurant where the girls are waiting.

"Hi girls." I kissed them both as Alistaire reach for them also for the kiss.

"Alistaire looks good on that dress." Joyce smiled. Her baby bump was obvious now. She looks good with it.

"Yea." I give them a small smile. I put Alistaire on the seat and i sit beside her.

"Somethings wrong?" Pauleen looked at me. I shook my head and look at the menu. I called the waiter and ordered two red pasta and some potato wedges.

We talked about the stuffs on the house blessing and they promised me that they'll be there. As we finished eating, we started our shopping. We were now at the cashier of the mall. We bought stuffs for christmas. Gifts for everyone. I bought three sets of clothes and shoes for Alistaire. Same as me and i bought stuffs for Jason too. We need some new clothes for Christmas and the house blessing.

"Girls, thank you for the five hours. I'll see you both on christmas." I said as i placed Alistaire on her car seat. The sales lady helped us load the shopping bags in the car. Same on Joyce and Pauleen they also loaded their shopping bags on the car. Somehow it's better if you are owning the mall.

"Yea. Call us. Okay?" Pauleen smiled as she started the engine.

"Bye Alistaire." Joyce waved her hands. We bid our goodbyes to them. The compartent and the back seat of my car is filled with shopping bags. I didn't ask the mall manager to deliver it on our house. I want to bring it home. As well as the gift wrapping, i told them not wrap it, cause i want to wrap it with Alistaire. Some Mommy and baby time.

I started to drive and made our way home. It's pass eight now and i'm tired.

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