Chapter Seven-Unedited

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He started up and we began our silent adventure back to the pack house I'm guessing. I crossed my arms over my chest and kicked my shoes off crossing my feet up on the dash. He didn’t say a word. Smart boy. Er. Man.

He looked over at me a few times, and got all tense since I was wearing jeaned shorts, and my bare legs were in perfect view for his eyes. I'm not going to say I put my feet on purpose but I'm not going to say I didn’t. I have acquired and even tanner tan the past few months. I spent most of my time outside. I just smirked at his turned on-ness and acted like I didn’t notice.

I had on my weed socks. Bless me for putting those on this morning. I deserve a cookie. I studied Jase for a while. He drove like a pimp. He held the steering wheel with his right hand, and he put the other one on the window and rested his head on it. How can someone be so perfect? His jawline was hard and perfect, his eyes were brown and perfect, his hair was curly and perfect, he was perfectly muscular. How is someone that perfect? It just shouldn’t be possible. He should be illegal because his perfectness messes with the laws of physics.

“What are you thinking about?” he asked me in his perfect deep voice.

“the 25 millionth way to kill you” I told him, he sighed loudly and swallowed making his adams apple bob. His scent was quickly filling the car. I'm going to go insane.

“How much longer until we get there?” I asked clenching and unclenching my fists.

“about 15 minutes” he replied, I groaned out loud.

“Problem?” he asked smirking over at me, I stuck my tongue out at him and gave him my famous finger.

“none” I replied sweetly, he turned his smirk back to the road. We got there after what seemed like hours. I put my combat boots back on, and he grabbed my stuff in one hand and slung me back over his shoulder with the other and carried me In the house.

“oh look she’s minding” I know that voice.

“Fuck you honey” I said without even looking, plus my back was facing him since Jase was facing him. I heard mike laugh, and I rolled my eyes.

There was a lot of people in the room we just entered. 

“She's such a charmer” mike said sarcastically.

“Kiss my royal ass” I spat out “honey” I added.

“Kayden” Jase said warningly.

“yes” I answered innocently.

“watch it” he warned, I sighed loudly, and gave a finger to the back of his head.

“if I put you down will you run?” he asked.

“probably” I replied.

Jase walked into the room and went around the couches full of people to the stairs.

“If you drop me I'm going to punch you in the fucking throat” I told him.

“Yes ma’am” he muttered loud enough for me to hear, I rolled my eyes, there was a shitload of people in that room.

“Do I get the privilege of a room this time?” I asked as he ascended up the stairs.

“No I have to check something in my office” he replied. I groaned loudly.

“Can I at least walk?” I asked.

“Nope” he replied,

“did you like my sticky notes?” I asked.

“They were lovley” he responded, making me laugh.

“I also took your letterman, sorry” I told him.

“Have you been wearing it?” he asked.

“All the time” I answered.

“Then I don’t really care” he told me, his hands moving up an inch.

“Don’t start something you can’t finish babe” he froze in the middle of the hallway we were in. I remember when I came up here to his office and filled it with sticky notes and I took his letterman, which I still have. He slid me down his body back to the floor, I was flat against a wall now, he was hovering over me his eyes pitch black. 

“oh I can finish” he told me his voice huskier than usual, damn I was getting all hot and bothered. He smirked he could smell my arousal.

“getting turned on sweet heart?” he asked.

“You’re a dick” was my only reply. Please please please take me in this hallway. Seriously, I know I sound like a slut, but I swear his scent just changed into something more musky and masculine. 

“yeah?” he asked getting closer, his scent was about to smother me, the radiating off his body was unbearable, mixed with my own heat, I was so fucked. He grabbed my wrists, and the tingles shot up my arm. He slowly raised my hands above my head and pinned them there. I didn’t even struggle. 

My body was reacting differently to how my brain was telling it to. My brain was telling me to punch him, or stab him, or shoot him, or something to that effect, my body wanted more. He pressed his lips to the side of my neck, a few inches from where he would mark me. Not that I was going to let him, if he tried. My breathing hitched in my throat and my stomach tied in knots, and my eyes fluttered closed without my permission. 

I let out a shaky breath, Jase breathed in deeply starting at my jaw and ending in my collarbone, his nose brushed across my jaw, he breathed out over my neck, giving me chills. I would say he had no idea what he was doing to me, but I'm sure he did have an idea, probably a few.

He pressed his lips to the edge of my jaw, and then he made a trail of determined kisses from there, down my neck, to the spot where I would bare his mark. I wanted to tangle my fingers in his hair but my wrists were still pinned above my head. I tried to get away but he didn’t even budge.

He nipped the spot, and my knees almost gave out, he quickly took both of my wrists with one of his hands and caught my waist holding me in place tightly. He kissed the spot again and I bit back a moan and shivered instead. I really needed him to stop. 

He kissed back up my neck to my jaw. “Jase” I breathed.

“hmm” he asked going to the other side of my neck. 

“we don’t need to do this here” I whispered.

“Later then?” he asked against my skin.

“Later” I promised. I was writing checks I couldn’t catch. What am I doing? Ugh, I hate the effect he has on me. Later my ass. I won't be here later sweetheart. 

“fuck going to my office” he said picking me up and slinging me back over his shoulder. Is this like a thing now? His hands didn’t hesitate on travelling wherever they wanted to. The sparks from him touching my bare thigh shot up and heated my core. His hands were pretty damn close. If he touched my ass, I would kick his ass. Numerous times.

He went down the stairs quickly and then out the living room , I made sure to give Mike my favorite fingers. Jase put me in the truck along with my stuff and he got in quickly.

“Why the rush?” I asked him, he turned to me his eyes still black from our… encounter.

“id rather do something really stupid when we’re alone, not with an audience” he told me keeping his eyes on the road.


 MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM I smell trouble. Do you think she'll stay? Or maybe she'll leave? If she does stay will up, or will he put her back in a cell? If she leaves where do you think she'll go? 

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