Chapter Sixteen-Unedited

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“You take that one”

“gross no you take that one”

“you’re the lady” he argued.

“No you eat that one you know I hate the yellow and orange ones” I told him staring down at the last yellow sour patch kid.

“So do I” he replied. For the past few weeks the only fights we’ve had were over food, mostly because we like the same things, and I love food more than Jase.

“well I guess no one will eat it” I said looking at it in disgust, I hated yellow and orange sour  patch kids, and skittles, so did Jase.

“guess not” he said setting the bag of one yellow sour patch kid next to the pile of yellow and orange ones on the table. I checked the time.

“Wrestling time” I said unplugging the x-box and turning the regular TV on.

“Should I be worried you find two guys beating the shit out of each other amusing?” he asked me playfully.

“Two hot, muscular sweaty guys fighting yes please” I said, I heard Jase’s loud growl fill the room, I bit my tongue to hide my laughter.

I felt myself being lifted off the floor by tan muscular arms, Jase set me in his lap and wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me impossibly closer to him, he buried his head in my neck inhaling my scent.

“Your mine” he growled possessively. I held my tongue; I hated it when he said that. He said it like I was just some possession he owned. I knew it was his wolf just claiming what’s his, it still sparked something up in me.

Jase had grown way more possessive, I mean a male couldn’t get within 30 feet of me possessive. My sickness came in waves, sometimes like right now I was okay and sometimes all I did was throw up and go from hot to cold. I knew I was going to go back into heat soon, it would be a full month tomorrow, I could feel it.

The doctor I had to go see every week told Jase to keep my temper under control, because if I lost it over something then I could get thrown into heat earlier than expected. Keeping my temper under control has been a lot harder, it was hard before, but now its almost impossible. Jase has grown used to my weird emotions.

I'm not an emotional person, but this whole I won't let Jase mate me thing has gotten way out of control. To the point of I cried the other day when Sam died in Transformers. I know that’s completely ridiculous, but Jase’s face was fucking hilarious. He was just kind of surprised for a minute.

“I know” I told him gritting my teeth, I hated telling him I was his because I wasn’t but it made him calm down tremendously. Plus a little white lie never hurt anybody.

“you don’t sound very convinced” he said, slipping his hand under my shirt and tracing my ribs with his thumb. He laid his head on my shoulder.

“Kayden” he said quietly, I was kind of shocked at how quiet his voice was. I got scared and an uneasy feeling built up in my stomach. I had never heard Jase talk in that voice before.

“yes” I answered cautiously.

“you know the next time you go into heat its going to be painful” he asked.

“I know” I replied, I had thought about this a lot. The first time is painless, but the rest of the times are one of the worst pains of your life. I'm sure I can handle, I've handled way worse things than sex craving.

“you go back into heat tomorrow” he stated.

“I know” I replied once again.

“what do you want me to do?” Jase asked me.

“What do you mean?” I asked running my fingers lightly over Jase’s smooth skin.

“I'm not going to be able to just sit there while you’re in pain” he told me and swallowed loudly.

“I know” I said once again.

“And?” he asked.

“And…” I stopped, I had put a lot of thought into the words that were about to come out of my mouth. I knew once I said them, my whole life plan would be changed and I couldn’t take them back. Is this really what a wanted?

“I want you to mark me” I whispered, I felt Jase’s whole body tense up.

“Kayden” Jase said like he was angry at me,I turned around in his arms.

“what?” I asked, Why was he angry at me? I looked in his eyes and they were black and cold.

“why are you mad?” I asked.

“I'm not mad I just… are you sure?” he asked me. I swallowed and nodded.

“I'm serious love, are you absolutely positive?” he asked searching my eyes for any hesitation. I nodded again.

“I need to hear it love” he told me.

“I'm positive” I told him confidently. He still didn’t move, I wrapped my arms around him, and ran them through his hair; he studied me for a minute. His hands traveled up my bare thighs and stopped on my waist, Jase pulled me closer to him, I could tell he was already turned on.

He crashed his lips to mine eagerly; I know how long he’s wanted to do this. He laid my back down on the couch pulled is knees between my legs, I pulled my legs, his body rested between my legs and on top of my body. I gave him dominance of the kiss, his tongue danced with mine, exploring every inch of my mouth.

His hands were resting on either side of my head holding his weight. He kissed down my jaw and then got to my neck, he was going so slowly. He left a trail of fire down my neck, I clenched my thighs around his waist in anticipation, he chuckled. My hands wove their way through his hair, he hit the spot and I moaned. He took it as encouragement and sucked harder, he bit me playfully, another moan escaping me.

My hands went down his chest and then to his back, I could feel his back muscles flexing beneath my fingertips I was getting aroused. Jase licked the hickey I knew was there, teasing.

“Jay please” I begged.

“Please what?” he growled, I shivered and felt goose bumps rise over my skin.

“I love the effect I have on you” he told me his voice huskier and deeper than usual. I dug my finers into his back, no doubt leaving nail marks.

“Please” I said again, as he kissed all the way around the spot.

“please what?” he asked his hot breath hitting my neck, I thrusted my hips down on him, making him groan.

“Don’t tease me kitten” he told me.

“Fuck Jay mark me, shit” I said raising my voice, that was all he needed, before his canines extended and sunk into my skin. A wave of pain shot through my body, then a warmness spread throughout me. I whimpered at first and then moaned, I dug my nails into his back harder, my thighs clenched around his waist harder attempting to hold him in place.

I felt light headed, I closed my eyes in pleasure. He pulled out, I let out a pant and a growl. I wanted him to mark me over and over. He cleaned his new mark off, and I felt my skin close. He kissed his mark, and a shiver and wave of pleasure racked through my body soaking my panties. I felt like I was high. Jase tried to pull away from me, but I didn’t release my death grip on him.

“Go to sleep love” he told e and kissed his mark again. I closed my eyes and did as I was told, holding on to Jase tightly, there's no way in hell I was letting go.


I know its short, I just wanted to update and I figured you guys have waited long enough for this why the hell not? So what do you think? If you liked it you can vote or comment, if not… I'm not really sure what to say to that, sorry? maybe? Anyways, I wanted ask you what do you guys eat with your pizza rolls? Does anybody like the yellow or orange sour patch kids? Vote, please or not you know what ever makes you guys happy.

Eat cookies, be happy, smile, get in trouble, pet a cat, eat a leaf, shave your legs, deface magazines, whatever makes your day. By the way when you eat a taco do you tilt the taco, your head or both. I do both anybody else?

Bye Babes =3

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